
The Machine

335 Members
A space for programmers. Welcome to the machine.36 Servers

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5 May 2024
@wsdjeg:mozilla.org@wsdjeg:mozilla.org joined the room.15:01:41
@wsdjeg:mozilla.org@wsdjeg:mozilla.org left the room.15:03:13
6 May 2024
@jordanbravo:matrix.org@jordanbravo:matrix.org left the room.17:44:01
7 May 2024
@turwaith:matrix.orgTúrwaith joined the room.17:02:01
10 May 2024
@7mcking:matrix.orgNaren Sadhwani joined the room.21:38:30
11 May 2024
@philosophest:matrix.org@philosophest:matrix.org left the room.17:26:02
13 May 2024
@skunkygreat:matrix.org@skunkygreat:matrix.org left the room.12:37:42
18 May 2024
@david:comms.im@david:comms.im joined the room.06:57:07
23 May 2024
@ethan:schwifty.net@ethan:schwifty.net left the room.18:33:52
30 May 2024
@know_your_place:matrix.orgknow_your_place joined the room.05:37:01
3 Jun 2024
@stephanbeer:matrix.org@stephanbeer:matrix.org left the room.20:26:31
6 Jun 2024
@canzoni:matrix.org@canzoni:matrix.org joined the room.09:03:48
@canzoni:matrix.org@canzoni:matrix.org left the room.09:07:40
@canzoni:matrix.org@canzoni:matrix.org joined the room.09:07:42
11 Jun 2024
@zeroninethirtythree:matrix.org@zeroninethirtythree:matrix.org left the room.00:33:42
@kokko:glowingshadows.net@kokko:glowingshadows.net left the room.12:45:06
17 Jun 2024
@beaweed:matrix.orgAndrew Roots joined the room.03:47:55
18 Jun 2024
@david:comms.im@david:comms.im left the room.06:46:03
@xarer:4d2.orgXarer removed their profile picture.08:09:02
19 Jun 2024
@tony:opensourceit.org@tony:opensourceit.org joined the room.00:55:22
@tony:opensourceit.org@tony:opensourceit.org left the room.17:51:48
21 Jun 2024
@triumph.of.death:matrix.org@triumph.of.death:matrix.org left the room.16:17:42
8 Jul 2024
@ronniedroid:mozilla.orgronniedroid joined the room.07:50:24
9 Jul 2024
@parsarch:tchncs.denapca joined the room.11:14:06
@cronjob:matrix.org@cronjob:matrix.org left the room.15:18:54
11 Jul 2024
@jay-the-code-monkey:matrix.orgjthecodemonkey changed their display name from jay-the-code-monkey to jthecodemonkey.05:33:52
23 Jul 2024
@akira_nozomi:matrix.org@akira_nozomi:matrix.org left the room.10:56:13
@saezheneia:matrix.im@saezheneia:matrix.im changed their display name from eden to confluentDemiurge.16:44:00
24 Jul 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.im@saezheneia:matrix.im left the room.15:39:55
25 Jul 2024
@moesama_zzt:matrix.orgmoesama joined the room.02:57:53

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