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31 Jul 2020
@xenon-fort:matrix.orgXenonFORTSo far the only option I saw is to buy element guys a payed server, but anything about migrating from matrix.org to a own-machine installed synapse/whatever server back-end used18:45:59
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУI dunno I think they was going to and abandoned that and just went to Guilded 18:57:38
@xenon-fort:matrix.orgXenonFORTOk, Thanks for the answer :)19:04:38
@xenon-fort:matrix.orgXenonFORT set a profile picture.19:09:01
1 Aug 2020
@esswasim:matrix.orgesswasim joined the room.16:13:02
13 Aug 2020
@raidshadowlegends:matrix.orgraidshadowlegendsDead general23:38:09
14 Aug 2020
@kidsamort:matrix.org@! [WINX] KID$AMORT#7911wat?05:37:01
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУWell this is prob gonna be dead, which is why it was handed off and senko left 23:51:03
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУRedacted or Malformed Event23:51:19
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУRedacted or Malformed Event23:51:22
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ Guilded won the vote, and thanks ohine keyboard for glitching to gifs and spamming -_- 23:52:09
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ* Guilded won the vote, and thanks phone keyboard for glitching to gifs and spamming -_-23:52:23
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУPeople that are here, are here I guess and perhaps they might be back should Guilded kick em off, which is likely if BSG are behind the reports 23:53:08
16 Aug 2020
@raidshadowlegends:matrix.orgraidshadowlegendsBsg aren't behind the DMCAs08:29:04
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ I don't think anyone for certain knows it's not, or that they are...it's speculation. Someone tried it could be "that person" or it could be just BSG getting salty and doing this incognito mode to not stir controversy. 08:54:17
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ It could also be a loyal BSG fanboys. I've witnessed first hand with my forum post salty ppl mad completely against the idea of any SP EFT at all cause it would take away players from PvP. You could just as easy see the tarkov emu as taking away players from the game and the same types get upset. 08:59:15
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ* It could also be a loyal BSG fanboy(s). I've witnessed first hand with my forum post salty ppl mad completely against the idea of any SP EFT at all cause it would take away players from PvP. You could just as easy see the tarkov emu as taking away players from the game and the same types get upset.08:59:31
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ* It could also be loyal BSG fanboy(s). I've witnessed first hand with my forum post salty ppl mad completely against the idea of any SP EFT at all cause it would take away players from PvP. You could just as easy see the tarkov emu as taking away players from the game and the same types get upset.08:59:39
@l2eveh:matrix.orgЯΞVУ Another similar story of those types of people, World's Adrift suffered the same fate. Toxic people was completely against any PvE mode ever being added in any form, hardcore PvP or gtfo...well the game didn't sell and they later tried to launch PvE and it failed anyways cause everyone already lost interest....game shutdown. 09:03:16
@nally:matrix.orgellyp ЯΞVУ: A redditor got mad at them for not banning a person who used a racial slur lol 11:44:46
27 Aug 2020
24 Sep 2020
@rakthegoose:matrix.org@rakthegoose:matrix.org left the room.18:34:55
10 Oct 2020
@gamedango:matrix.org@gamedango:matrix.org left the room.01:48:59
1 Nov 2020
@scannerfm77:matrix.orgscannerfm77 joined the room.05:20:59
21 Nov 2020
@w0rthl3ssb0y:matrix.org@w0rthl3ssb0y:matrix.org joined the room.04:05:00
@w0rthl3ssb0y:matrix.org@w0rthl3ssb0y:matrix.org left the room.10:21:45
25 Jan 2021
@potepuh:matrix.org@potepuh:matrix.org left the room.11:22:56
26 Feb 2021
@qwuzzy:matrix.org@qwuzzy:matrix.org set a profile picture.02:20:37
@qwuzzy:matrix.org@qwuzzy:matrix.org left the room.02:23:44
14 Apr 2021
@vionomad:matrix.org@vionomad:matrix.org joined the room.12:32:42

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