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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_613132510716624897:t2bot.ioNn Ñ nN And she also likes hotel transylvania which is bad 18:07:51
@_discord_761648127584370709:t2bot.ioevenly.odd Maybe she can understand dog language and also has telepathic ability to know the state of conan 19:15:06
@_discord_223253805179994112:t2bot.iocatmeat Conan the mighty pig 19:41:24
@_discord_613132510716624897:t2bot.ioNn Ñ nN actually didnt know that mom already shipped her with another dog 20:00:59
@_discord_613132510716624897:t2bot.ioNn Ñ nN that shortly after went missing 20:01:07
@_discord_613132510716624897:t2bot.ioNn Ñ nN so my mom is now gonna ship them with dogs from shitty owners so they die 20:01:26
@_discord_613132510716624897:t2bot.ioNn Ñ nN because outside there are negligent owners with dogs that are more like shit producers than anything else 20:04:52
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_613132510716624897:t2bot.ioNn Ñ nN Complete boomer 07:01:34
@_discord_219043833894273024:t2bot.io_blicky_ https://tenor.com/bCFcp.gif 07:32:55
13 Jan 2024
@_discord_1093806371075530784:t2bot.ionotsemanfr changed their profile picture.00:32:42
@_discord_223253805179994112:t2bot.iocatmeat I think I had too much preworkout 16:38:16
11 Jun 2024
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOI have a big fucking problem21:17:27
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOdiscord refuses to let me sign in, stating that I need to link a mobile number to verify my account to be able to log in, which I don't have21:18:06
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOI can't even fucking ping anyone rn, but would someone be able to tell Wizardlypig that I don't think I'll be able to do bonk madness stuff today?21:19:03
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOanybody?21:22:50
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOanybody at all?21:22:55
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOI don't often ask for help, but if someone could like, actually help here I'd appreciate it21:23:36
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOI don't even know if the bot can connect to discord rn, so for all I know I'm tlaking to myself21:24:03
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oO * I don't even know if the bot can connect to discord rn, so for all I know I'm talking to myself21:24:15
12 Jun 2024
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOtested00:31:41
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOwork in discord?00:31:45
@excigma:matrix.orgExcigmaOh shoot I didn't see this10:32:11
@excigma:matrix.orgExcigmahopefully it should be fixed now??10:32:25
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOwait what? Were you talking about the bot Excigma? Cause I just tried to log in to discord and it let me in no problem?11:31:40
@excigma:matrix.orgExcigmaI meant Discord - they had issues this morning 11:44:21
@excigma:matrix.orgExcigma* I meant Discord - they had issues this morning and required phone verification erroneously 11:44:41
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOohh interesting, fair enough, well cheers for the heads up, legit might not have checked for days lol11:54:23
@oo_0_oo:matrix.orgOo 0 oOalso I guess I should look into this bridge bot since apparently it hasn't been working since January lol12:01:56

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