
Zen Kernel

96 Members
Welcome to Zen Kernel, https://github.com/zen-kernel/zen-kernel. Releases are maintained by heftig (zen) for linux-zen (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/linux-zen/), and damentz (lqx) for Liquorix (https://liquorix.net).29 Servers

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11 Feb 2024
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzbut you can't even get an AI or translator to write like that18:10:22
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentz that user, Ricky-Tigg, has their profile private for a reason 18:11:02
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzI suspect it's someone in academia writing a thesis about what maintainers will put up with, or how convoluted can you make your requests and reports before the maintainer gives up18:11:42
@heftig:archlinux.orgheftigi mean, i get what they're trying to ask18:11:51
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzreminds me of the university that was seeing what bad code they could get through sub system maintainers, and Greg Kroah-Hartmann reverted all their code once he found out18:12:10
@heftig:archlinux.orgheftig"do i need to match the LQX version I install to my current kernel version"?18:12:13
@heftig:archlinux.orgheftigthe first thing they're confused about is that liquorix doesn't release for fedora18:12:52
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzright, and you are correct, but these also questions that no one is concerned about or matter18:14:01
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzthey seem like time wasters, like asking on a car forum, do my brake pads need to be the same color as my car18:14:16
@heftig:archlinux.orgheftigbtw, that aur user has been a member since 2015 and only has that single comment, so i'm not sure that "this is a bot" has much water18:14:50
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzyup, what triggered me was we helped the maintainer of that package write the pinned comment18:15:41
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzme and some others when it was first introduced18:15:46
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzit's written specifically to help people with DNS as best as possible, so to see someone randomly write a worse version in the comment seems so out of place18:16:05
@heftig:archlinux.orgheftig * btw, that aur user has been a member since 2015 and only has that single comment, so i'm not sure that "this is a bot" holds much water18:16:31
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzit just looked like what an LLM bot would do given a simple system prompt to provide a helpful comment18:16:37
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzor it's someone reusing the comment system as documentation for themselves, but to completely miss the well written pinned comment is out of place and bizarre18:17:26
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentz heftig: I prefer to give people benefit of the doubt but some things raise massive red flags for me, since they're things a human would never do, or rather it's impossible or you have to be in a weird mental state 18:18:27
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzanyways, just letting you know, it's an odd coincidence that in 1 week I see two instances of incredibly bizarre behavior, I figured this is probably happening at a larger level but it's really hard to tell18:19:51
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentz * anyways, just letting you know, it's an odd coincidence that in 1 week I see two instances of incredibly bizarre behavior, I figured this is probably happening at a larger level but it's really hard to tell, so most people will just shrug and move on18:20:10
16 Feb 2024
@nx2:nx2.site@nx2:nx2.site left the room.16:51:52
18 Feb 2024
@_oftc_fred``:matrix.orgfred`` left the room.20:05:20
@_oftc_fred``:matrix.orgfred`` joined the room.20:59:01
19 Feb 2024
@inderix:constellatory.net@inderix:constellatory.net left the room.14:03:14
20 Feb 2024
@pa6ot9ra:4e6yp.net@pa6ot9ra:4e6yp.net joined the room.09:12:13
@pa6ot9ra:4e6yp.net@pa6ot9ra:4e6yp.net left the room.09:16:39
@_oftc_fred```:matrix.org@_oftc_fred```:matrix.org joined the room.14:30:54
25 Feb 2024
@ivandelviejo:matrix.orgivandelviejo joined the room.07:28:13
6 Mar 2024
In reply to @damentz:matrix.org
reminds me of the university that was seeing what bad code they could get through sub system maintainers, and Greg Kroah-Hartmann reverted all their code once he found out
That was the University of Minnesota i think, and they ended up getting banned from making any contribs to the kernel.
@cyberjudas:matrix.orgCyberJudasAh crap, did I break the awkward silence?15:53:52
@damentz:matrix.orgdamentzyep, I wouldn't be surprised if there was something else like that going on15:56:09

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