
Nim Web Development

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11 Aug 2021
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 my guess is it would perform fine, Karax was benchmarked heavily by Araq when it was built 17:03:23
@_discord_132595483838251008:t2bot.iodom96#7486 but anyway, benchmarks are easy to game 17:03:37
@_discord_265644131521527808:t2bot.iojuan_carlos#3778 If built as release or danger it would be Ok. 17:55:24
@_discord_410927368241152010:t2bot.iofimkold joined the room.18:01:01
@_discord_102899813149855744:t2bot.ioajusa#3756 well I'm comparing it to Vue/React/other tuned javascript libraries - I'm not saying it would be the slowest (I know a TON of work was put into it) but the other JS libraries have had a TON of work put into them over 5-10 years which is hard to beat 18:25:17
@_discord_764946774300688454_nixfreak_nim=5b=4datrix=5d:t2bot.ionixfreak_nim[Matrix]#0000 wow it looks like vanilla js is still the fastest 19:44:14
@_discord_764946774300688454_nixfreak_nim=5b=4datrix=5d:t2bot.ionixfreak_nim[Matrix]#0000 how is that , I thought using a shadow dom or vdom is faster ? 19:44:44
@_discord_727414407105085470:t2bot.ioSEO Science joined the room.20:04:47
@_discord_90614688374624256:t2bot.ioexelotl#9183 vanilla JS written with performance in mind should always be faster right? A Virtual DOM may be resonably efficient but certainly has a runtime cost 20:06:20
@_discord_100338425663590400:t2bot.iomem✨ joined the room.21:59:33
12 Aug 2021
@_discord_875199392049659965:t2bot.ioNU joined the room.02:11:02
@_discord_719565186784034839:t2bot.ioNim 👺 joined the room.03:09:54
@_discord_720724454061113384:t2bot.ioCrimsonCatboi joined the room.03:12:37
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandydoes prologue support routes like this ? `/user/@username`09:43:00
@_discord_658563905425244160:t2bot.ioxflywind https://planety.github.io/prologue/routing/ 09:53:02
@_discord_658563905425244160:t2bot.ioxflywind See Parameters Routing 09:53:48
@_discord_810803274261200916:t2bot.ioEthycol joined the room.11:33:10
@_discord_792875951784067082:t2bot.iohts joined the room.14:20:10
@_discord_617053683200425996:t2bot.iopinebit joined the room.14:24:12
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandycool, can you also place the value of that parameter into a template?16:32:07
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandy(a karax template)16:33:21
@sn0re:matrix.code0.xyzenthus1astyou must deliver it to the client somehow 16:38:01
@sn0re:matrix.code0.xyzenthus1astbut it might be better to get it straight out of the url for single page apps16:39:02
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandyhmm ok17:35:51
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandyfor some reason, when trying to use this style of project arrangement, (serverside rendering)17:36:15
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandy`/home/tandy/Programming/nim/listen2gether/src/templates/home.nim(1, 14) Error: cannot open file: karax/karaxdsl`17:36:33
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandyi get this17:36:35
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandywhen trying to import karax17:36:49
@tandy1000:matrix.orgtandyoh i think i know why17:40:02

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