4 Oct 2024 |
enthus1ast. | * what i started though, a virtual machine, than can execute a subset on runtime. | 14:00:23 |
enthus1ast. | but it will never be on par with compiled nimja | 14:00:48 |
enthus1ast. | maybe i have a look how the tim engine does it, i was quite impressed that they can to dynamic execution and compilation.
If georgelemon_ / openpeeps sees this, lets talk about template engines 🙂 | 14:03:47 |
| b2nalpncsrtdtcom_72909 joined the room. | 14:27:03 |
| kuroneko7382 joined the room. | 16:12:02 |
| @johnwarren22:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:46:32 |
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| moon_pope joined the room. | 19:41:49 |
| @logan01012:matrix.org joined the room. | 21:13:49 |
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5 Oct 2024 |
| eightbit_dboy changed their profile picture. | 04:12:48 |
| determiedmech1 changed their profile picture. | 04:20:24 |
| andreasguaitamatti joined the room. | 14:58:06 |
| @johnjoy66:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:55:24 |
| nim-lang-mjolnir banned @johnjoy66:matrix.org (spam). | 15:55:35 |
| nullptr_enjoyer joined the room. | 19:59:10 |
6 Oct 2024 |
| Dan joined the room. | 01:51:36 |
| amarevite changed their profile picture. | 04:47:58 |
| xtrayambak changed their profile picture. | 08:43:34 |
| @trevino:matrix.org joined the room. | 10:41:09 |
@trevino:matrix.org | Redacted or Malformed Event | 10:41:24 |
| nim-lang-mjolnir banned @trevino:matrix.org (spam). | 10:41:25 |
| einjonas joined the room. | 11:53:37 |
| ramabot changed their display name from RamaBot to ramabot. | 12:00:31 |
| piuvas changed their profile picture. | 16:11:35 |
| hugop707 changed their profile picture. | 16:36:21 |
| filly_1230 joined the room. | 17:43:10 |
| treeform changed their profile picture. | 18:07:51 |
| nzl_crazystacey joined the room. | 18:30:04 |
| lawton01 joined the room. | 20:44:39 |