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28 Dec 2018
@_discord_475028720575315968:t2bot.iooclero thank you 15:19:25
@_discord_475028720575315968:t2bot.iooclero please save it in PNG 15:19:40
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonYep15:20:32
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason http://coinsh.red/p/solarus-snap-photos.zip 15:24:59
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleasondid you get 'em? ^15:29:10
@_discord_475028720575315968:t2bot.iooclero yes ! 15:31:54
@_discord_475028720575315968:t2bot.iooclero perfect 15:31:55
@_discord_475028720575315968:t2bot.iooclero great, thanks for the help! Good idea for the Mastodon 15:44:58
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleasonnp15:45:17
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonI'm trying to fix this now https://gitlab.com/solarus-games/solarus-snap/issues/10 Not an issue at all for anyone with an existing project, but new users will likely be a little upset by this15:45:42
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleasonfinally, I'm trying to understand how Solarus finds this folder. Is it hard-coded? etc15:47:43
@_discord_475028720575315968:t2bot.iooclero I am not on my Ubuntu computer, I've not tried yet to install it 15:47:52
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonWell fortunately snaps will push updates out to the users15:48:31
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonI'm trying to just patch it quickly then everyone should get the update15:48:43
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason FileTools::initialize_assets();
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason
 * @brief Determines the path to the Solarus Quest Editor assets directory.
 * The directory "assets" is searched in the following paths in this order:
 * - The directory containing the executable.
 * - The source path (macro SOLARUSEDITOR_SOURCE_PATH)
 *   (useful for developer builds).
 * - The install path (macro SOLARUSEDITOR_DATADIR_PATH).
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonAbout to test if what I did fixed it16:03:04
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonHooray, it worked!! Pushing to stable16:12:54
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonSnap has been updated16:18:40
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonAfaik it has no real issues that affect users anymore16:18:56
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonFinally I can work on my own game again. 😆16:22:02
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar Christopho je vais profiter de faire l'api Joypad pour ajouter les vibrations aussi. SDL prend tout ça en compte. 18:04:45
@_discord_281333364156268546:t2bot.ioChristopho ok 18:06:13
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar Une question par contre : les events on_joypad_axis_moved(axis,state) sont pas hyper compatibles avec le fait d'avoir plusieurs joypads 18:06:25
@_discord_281333364156268546:t2bot.ioChristopho SDL1 n'était pas du tout compatible avec plusieurs joypads, et ces events datent de cette époque 18:07:04
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar qu'est-ce qu'on fait? pour l'instant j'implémente les objets joypads qu'on peut get avec sol.input.get_joypads() 18:07:25
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar et ces joypads sont des userdata sur lesquels on peut override les events 18:07:51
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar on_axis_moved(axis,val), on_button_pressed/released(button) 18:08:50
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar et avec des méthodes is_button_pressed(button) , get_axis(axis) 18:09:26
@_discord_189088374978641920:t2bot.iostdgregwar get_name 18:09:32

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