
Monero Pools

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26 Jul 2024
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> gG? 23:19:55
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> Is that like a male g-string? 23:20:25
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> or a gM? 23:20:44
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> Guy's G-string 23:20:45
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> gutterbrain 23:21:07
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> gM ? 23:21:09
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> https://www.swe-check.com.au/pages/learn_fuse_speed.php 23:21:09
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <m​onerobux> [ Fuse Speed Explained ] - www.swe-check.com.au 23:21:11
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <a​kio> Title: Fuse Speed Explained (at www.swe-check.com.au) 23:21:12
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> It's not about the speed in this case secondcreek, 23:21:29
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> the gM is not as finnicky 23:21:53
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> Still 23:22:08
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> the gM can handle near limit operation 23:22:14
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> might as well try it before bridging with copper pipe. 23:23:03
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> chron0 convinced me (pretty easily actually) that there's no reason to have a fuse there if your charge controller is more than the potential amperage your panels are able to produce. 23:23:23
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> is the fuse holder stainless clamps? 23:23:34
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> yeah 23:23:40
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> galvanic reaction 23:24:20
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> yes 23:24:22
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> got the paste? 23:24:31
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> I will take out the fuse-holder in the winter. 23:24:37
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> nope 23:24:48
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> ok so temp situation 23:24:50
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> yeah 23:24:53
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> I'm the second poorest guy in Mexico, so my budget is limited. 23:25:20
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> who's the poorest? 23:25:29
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> I don't know, but I feel sorry for him. 23:25:41
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <s​econdcreek> Not the Mayonnaise Chapo 23:25:45
27 Jul 2024
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <M​ochi101> @dall2 mayonnaise chapel 00:14:36
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <a​kio> Mochi101: "mayonnaise chapel" => (40.7s) 00:15:17

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