
Monero Markets

375 Members
This channel is for discussion related to the Monero markets. Inflation Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/kRHNBr Joining through monero.social (recommended): https://forum.monero.space/d/83-join-the-monero-core-team-matrix-server 46 Servers

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23 Jul 2024
In reply to @dave.jp:matrix.org
Mtgox coins not buying monero yet, I have lost faith in humanity

How do you know—

Ah right, transparent blockchain

24 Jul 2024
Download grafik.png
@monerobull:matrix.orgmonerobullwhy does someone want to make $5 for the logistics of handling cash 11:54:57
@strawberry:monero.socialstrawberrycause there's no competition and they can get away with it11:55:49
@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009Yep, competition drives down prices.11:57:26
In reply to @monerobull:matrix.org
why does someone want to make $5 for the logistics of handling cash
capitalist pigs 😤
@shadowexchange:matrix.orgshadowex.exchange joined the room.13:45:49
@shadowexchange:matrix.orgshadowex.exchange set a profile picture.13:51:55
@shadowexchange:matrix.orgshadowex.exchange changed their display name from shadowexchange to shadowex.exchange.13:52:30
@shadowexchange:matrix.orgshadowex.exchangeHi all, just wanted to let you know we have upgraded our exchange and back to offering no-kyc anonymous exchanges, added 3 new currencies for a total of 10 including XMR, BTC, LTC, USDT. Our new domain is shadowex.exchange, the old domain shadowex.network will now redirect to our new domain, also please note the Telegram channel @shadowexnetwork is NOT us, our legitimate contact details are on the contact page.14:02:02
@shadowexchange:matrix.orgshadowex.exchange Hi all, just wanted to let you know we have upgraded our exchange and back to offering no-kyc anonymous exchanges, added 3 new currencies for a total of 10 including XMR, BTC, LTC, USDT. Our new domain is shadowex.exchange - the old domain shadowex.network will now redirect to our new domain, also please note the Telegram channel @shadowexnetwork is NOT us, our legitimate contact details are on the contact page. 14:16:10
@shadowexchange:matrix.orgshadowex.exchange Hi all, just wanted to let you know we have upgraded our exchange and back to offering no-kyc anonymous exchanges, added 3 new currencies for a total of 10 including XMR, BTC, LTC, USDT. Our new domain is https://shadowex.exchange - the old domain shadowex.network will now redirect to our new domain, also please note the Telegram channel @shadowexnetwork is NOT us, our legitimate contact details are on the contact page. 14:32:00
26 Jul 2024
@321bob321:monero.socialDan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) BackupOut of the shadows you come02:07:28
@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009This xmr/usd is not sustainable. XMR tends to rise ~15% either side of its 1 year sma and its att 11% above as is02:21:31
@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009Max 17302:22:59
@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009* This xmr/usd is not sustainable. XMR tends to go ~15% either side of its 1 year sma and its at 11% above as is02:25:28
@yasabi:matrix.orgyasabilol we already at 17403:46:47
@yasabi:matrix.orgyasabiyall need to chill i'm not done stacking and you're blowing up my spot03:47:16
In reply to @shortwavesurfer2009:monero.social
Max 173
@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheel Mfw sold some at 160 just yesterday. Better than around 150, I guess. 04:20:04
@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009!ce xnr08:19:52
@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009* !cr xnr08:20:18

No results, double check that you've chosen a real currency pair

@shortwavesurfer2009:monero.socialshortwavesurfer2009!cr zmr/usd08:20:43

No results, double check that you've chosen a real currency pair

@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheel!cr xmr08:21:32

Current exchange rate for XMR/USD: 166.88863565781887

@prancing389:matrix.orgprancing389Here's some more reasons why the dollar, along with the global fiat central banking system, needs to be retired. Yes, the US is guilty, but the root of the problems stem from it's captor, the Central Banks.... https://bastyon.com/index?s=3c9c3dbc4fd82923e272968f4c8a51f8934381fb580d10b9fe28732a5cfc8db4&ref=PR39WqQZoVzC8KXu5xALSeyzY7JZkKPRwK16:59:08

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