

636 Members
An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design. https://piped.video/ GitHub: https://github.com/TeamPiped Space: #pipedverse:matrix.org Off-Topic: #pfo:matrix.org109 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@nick4154:serverfuel.canick4154 joined the room.04:49:21
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org


Ad-free YouTube client using piped API


seem blend of clipious and libretube
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ set a profile picture.07:54:42
@alexpewmaster:reallyaweso.meAlexPewMaster [piped.reallyaweso.me] My nginx is being funny right now, piped.reallyaweso.me is down for a while 😅 11:27:13
@alexpewmaster:reallyaweso.meAlexPewMaster [piped.reallyaweso.me]Alright, it's back!12:06:14
@nce:matrix.orgn-ceI'm so glad this gets taken care of by itself15:06:28
@nce:matrix.orgn-cechrome_screenshot_25-Jul-2024 8_31_49 pm IST_1.png
Download chrome_screenshot_25-Jul-2024 8_31_49 pm IST_1.png
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺I get to attempt to get piped working over tor... invidious was easy, but piped has alot of different services.15:06:42
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺
In reply to @nce:matrix.org
I'm so glad this gets taken care of by itself
Yes its quite nice. So dead instances are not sitting as choices for clients/customers :) lol
In reply to@blade:darkness.services
Yes its quite nice. So dead instances are not sitting as choices for clients/customers :) lol
I had to maintain it by myself from the last 3 months and now no more
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺
In reply to @nce:matrix.org
I had to maintain it by myself from the last 3 months and now no more
I put a little time trying to get runners working in gitea. Piped always comes up and tries to compile it... but gitea needs more setting than just a runner it seems.
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺I would like to thank the devs for setting up nginx the way it is... it was super easy to get piped running over tor and surprisingly works good15:28:49
@nce:matrix.orgn-ceare you running tor on your main?15:29:33
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺Yes... just a test mostly...15:30:58
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺
In reply to @nce:matrix.org
are you running tor on your main?
Do you do much with tor?
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺I guess to make it useable, I should setup a separate frontend, so it defaults to crappy resolutions15:33:35
In reply to@blade:darkness.services
Do you do much with tor?
Nope, never handled sys admin
@nce:matrix.orgn-ce* Nope, never handled sys admin stuffs15:39:53
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺I guess that's what I enjoy more about selfhosting stuff. Probably why I put myself through the punishment of learning traefik :)15:42:25
@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org joined the room.17:54:32
@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org@bdjsjsmdmsnd:matrix.org left the room.17:57:25
@polycat:matrix.orgPolyCatHeyo. I've been using Piped for a long time by now and I don't userstand one thing: why do servers go offline (it's not really offline but they don't appear in clients and don't work). Is it bacause of rate limits form yt?21:39:35
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:09:43
In reply to @polycat:matrix.org
Heyo. I've been using Piped for a long time by now and I don't userstand one thing: why do servers go offline (it's not really offline but they don't appear in clients and don't work). Is it bacause of rate limits form yt?
Various reasons possible: Ratelimited, maintenance, overloaded, ...
26 Jul 2024
@meoww:sibnsk.net~ changed their profile picture.04:03:50
@meoww:sibnsk.net~ changed their profile picture.04:10:27
@polycat:matrix.orgPolyCatI see. So if I were to self host an instance at least the rate limits should go away. Thx. I'll give self hosting a try to see how it goes16:11:12
@polycat:matrix.orgPolyCat Since I'll be just me thru that proxy 16:11:36
@colonel:hackliberty.orgcolonel joined the room.22:15:54
27 Jul 2024
@iam:pavli.cc@iam:pavli.cc left the room.00:06:11

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