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An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design. https://piped.video/ GitHub: https://github.com/TeamPiped Space: #pipedverse:matrix.org Off-Topic: #pfo:matrix.org90 Servers

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23 Apr 2024
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5 joined the room.04:59:40
@wardpearce:matrix.orgWardMade some minor changes to RYD-Proxy, if anyone could review once they get a chance would be awesome https://github.com/TeamPiped/RYD-Proxy/pull/1506:53:40
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺I'm not at home, but is it possible to stop piped from ever connecting to sponserblock? It seems to stop playing on almost every video.10:44:42
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺Never mind... I see it may be easier and better to run a local server, even tho I'm scared to find out how much storage the database will swallow up!10:53:45
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺 I noticed proxy uses a volume. Would it help to move it to shm?11:21:06
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺I thought I would add that I fixed my problem by increasing the http workersfrom 6 to 15 in /srv/Piped-Docker/config/config.properties11:32:05
@fomosapien:matrix.orgTriskelion joined the room.12:04:31
@xyrd:matrix.org@xyrd:matrix.org left the room.14:59:14
24 Apr 2024
@qwerty901:matrix.org@qwerty901:matrix.org left the room.00:28:14
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5Hey yall, tryna setup piped on my nixos server, is the postgresql database required or can I just skip it?01:07:48
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5 * Hey yall, tryna setup piped on my nixos server, is the postgresql database required or can I just skip it? ( I want registration disabled)01:08:52
@andreaspacca:matrix.organdreaspaccayou can use hsqldb05:02:15
@andreaspacca:matrix.organdreaspaccait's postgres compatible and use a file like sqlite05:02:44
@andreaspacca:matrix.organdreaspaccathat's the solution I use05:02:50
@thorodinson:nitro.chat@thorodinson:nitro.chat left the room.05:05:13
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5Thanks, I'll use that. <305:05:26
@gggggg.:matrix.org@gggggg.:matrix.org joined the room.09:48:51
@chf98:matrix.orgchrishazfun changed their display name from Chris Lowles to chrishazfun.13:33:57
@blade:darkness.servicesBlade 🇷🇺Howqould I seta different sponserblock server?14:40:21
@gggggg.:matrix.org@gggggg.:matrix.org left the room.14:47:53
@paricbat:catgirl.cloudVeru 🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.18:58:14
@ailunarenth:tchncs.de@ailunarenth:tchncs.de left the room.19:12:44
25 Apr 2024
@mvp305:matrix.orgMvp305 joined the room.00:18:43
@proplax22:matrix.org@proplax22:matrix.org joined the room.04:09:35
@proplax22:matrix.org@proplax22:matrix.org left the room.04:14:24
@nce:matrix.orgn-ceDid something happen recently?04:49:46
@atius:beeper.comMOVED TO @amyiscoolz:matrix.atiusamy.com changed their display name from Amy (เอมี่) to MOVED TO @amyiscoolz:matrix.atiusamy.com.09:29:10
In reply to@random8:matrix.org
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