
UnifiedPush devs

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24 Jul 2024
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mYou're working for nextcloud on neon now ?08:19:47
@jld3103:matrix.orgKateno, that is still my hobby project08:19:59
@jld3103:matrix.orgKatebut i work part-time for nextcloud gmbh for almost 2 years now08:20:15
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mI thought there was the possibility they funded neon too08:20:50
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mI should look for a simple app doing it as an example08:24:36
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mThere is also the capabilities stuff, but IIRC, that mean having an XML parser client side08:25:49
In reply to @sim_g:matrix.org
There is also the capabilities stuff, but IIRC, that mean having an XML parser client side
no, all apis are also accessible via json
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1m with ?format=json ? 08:28:57
@jld3103:matrix.orgKateyeah or setting the accept header to application/json08:29:33
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mI gave a look there and I was sure it was XML only https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/client_apis/OCS/ocs-api-overview.html#capabilities-api08:29:42
@jld3103:matrix.orgKatethat documentation is pretty old08:30:16
@jld3103:matrix.orgKatethis is generated from the source code (my work :p)08:30:36
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mIf you could suggest them a header on the page suggesting this doc instead :)08:31:21
@jld3103:matrix.orgKatethe problem is a bit that those pages still contain information that is not present in the generated docs08:31:48
@jld3103:matrix.orgKateit's only mentioned at the top of https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/client_apis/OCS/index.html08:32:10
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mwell, thanks because I didn't know08:33:19
In reply to @sim_g:matrix.org
I thought there was the possibility they funded neon too
sadly not, but i applied for ngi mobifree (also with unifiedpush as a major selling point)
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mgreat ! To add webpush on nextcloud ?09:09:06
@jld3103:matrix.orgKateno, only neon directly09:09:28
@jld3103:matrix.orgKatethe workaround i'm using right now is good enough, webpush support in nextcloud won't really change anything on the neon side09:10:06
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mWe are not sure they try to "fix" this hack09:10:31
@jld3103:matrix.orgKatei doubt it, as long as the knowledge is not too wide spread and customers are trying to exploit it to avoid getting a support contract. anyway i should probably not talk about this too much :D09:11:59
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mAnd I will update UnifiedPush specifications soon (starting in a month). Server side, it will probably define as a RFC8030 (HTTP push) endpoint with RFC8291 (Encryption, with aes128gcm) support and should support RFC8292 (VAPID). Of course, this will be open for review. But this would mean that TTL, and Content-encoding will probably be required09:13:43
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1mI have added translation to uppush (the nextcloud application for UnifiedPush), and translated it to french. If someone wants to add another translation, feel free to open a pull request !22:40:13
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1m Kate: I've added the capabilities. I wish I could check redis status there (like I've done here), any idea how I could achieve that, ie how I can get SystemConfig and IEventLogger during bootstrap ? 22:43:14
25 Jul 2024
In reply to @sim_g:matrix.org
Kate: I've added the capabilities. I wish I could check redis status there (like I've done here), any idea how I could achieve that, ie how I can get SystemConfig and IEventLogger during bootstrap ?
you can just use the usual dependency injection in the class (just like you did for the admin settings)
@jld3103:matrix.orgKateexposing the version of the app would also be a nice move since that allows better compatibility checks (but in the case of this app i don't think there ever was a breaking api change)05:42:58
In reply to @jld3103:matrix.org
you can just use the usual dependency injection in the class (just like you did for the admin settings)
It doesn't seem possible to do dep injection in the Application class
In reply to @sim_g:matrix.org
It doesn't seem possible to do dep injection in the Application class
no but in the capabilities class

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