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15 Apr 2024
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 its because the game allows back to title screen when you save that it is possible for anyone to clear the data. Which means no progres can be made if this keeps happening 06:33:06
18 Apr 2024
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 According to lrhap142857 from twitch chat: " I'm a new me now. I will desactivate this account too. Bye bye" and "I will for forever". I'm not sure what that means, or what their plan is. Maybe they are retiring from twitch forever? IDK. shrugs 23:29:16
19 Apr 2024
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruOh, sorry to hear that 😢 They've been a positive contributor since Mario Odyssey. I wish them well!08:31:43
20 Apr 2024
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Yup... I checked their twitch user page, and it says that they closed their account. Sad. 😦 03:56:08
Download MacroWriter.gif
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 This should be almost in working condition to what your bot uses. I'm running a few tests here, and in twitch chat (after changing the jump keys to 'A' in script), and it's pretty close to what I had expected. The timings might be miliseconds off, but it's very close to expectations. There's also the case of running into the twitch chat character limitation. 05:04:15
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 * This should be almost in a working state to what your bot uses. I'm running a few tests here, and in twitch chat (after changing the jump keys to 'A' in script), and it's pretty close to what I had expected. The timings might be miliseconds off, but it's very close to expectations. There's also the case of running into the twitch chat character limitation. 05:15:11
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 * This should almost be in a working state to what your bot uses. I'm running a few tests here, and in twitch chat (after changing the jump keys to 'A' in script), and it's pretty close to what I had expected. The timings might be miliseconds off, but it's very close to expectations. There's also the case of running into the twitch chat character limitation. 05:15:36
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 This does NOT include every detail that your bot can process in chat. Only the basics like holding buttons, and releasing buttons. 05:17:17
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 * This does NOT include every detail that your bot can process in chat. Only the basics that can be done by human hands such as holding buttons, and releasing buttons. 05:18:17
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruVery cool, thanks for sharing!16:50:31
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru * Very cool, thanks for sharing, and nice work!16:50:42
Download image.png
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Kids these days...... 16:57:00
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 So yea. My macro writer is helping for stream. It's maybe 90% accurate to what I did live on my emulator, so far. 🙂 The only issue so far is running into the twitch chat limitation. shrugs 17:13:15
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 I seem to have issues on these macros im recording on more completx stage setups. im unsure if its the timing is slightly off than what I have recorded (as i originally thought), or what. sometimes they are close to what I did live, sometimes they are just way off. 22:51:23
21 Apr 2024
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Is there any possibility that the bot can "break"? As in when you try to write inputs in chat, but nothing shows up on your stream? 03:44:53
@_discord_100903082652602368:t2bot.iospace boi Maybe, but Kimi makes one of the most hardened, 100% sealed, money back guarantee products I've ever seen 03:46:06
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 i ask because when the bot is running there are usually those "tips" and random chat posts from the bot every now and then, and I haven't seen one in a while 03:50:52
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 It seems to be back and working now! 🙂 06:00:36
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Curiosity, anyone know if the 500 character limit in chat is for everyone? Or do users like mods or vip badge users have a longer limit? I seem to keep keep hitting the limit on longer string of macros. 08:51:34
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruYep the Twitch 500 chat limit applies even to broadcasters. Not sure about Affiliates and such09:47:26
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruif there's no activity from anyone else for a while, the bot won't post those tips. Makes inactivity look just a bit better 😃09:49:35
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Oh nice you added a new pause commands? But you forgot to say how to use it. Is it listed in the commands somewhere? 16:48:30
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 * Oh nice you added a new pause commands? But you forgot to say how to use it. it's listed in the commands though. It's just 'pause'. Neat idea, esp. for the boss rooms. 16:53:18
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 It would probably help at some point later on in the run, but imagine if it never got/gets used fully in the entire run (though it did already get used but only through testing purposes), and we just get lucky on all of the boss fights. That would REALLY be an amazing feet to pull off. 😆 23:44:53
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 * It would probably help at some point later on in the run, but imagine if it never got/gets fully used in the entire run (though it did already get used but only through testing purposes), and we just get lucky on all of the boss fights. That would REALLY be an amazing feet to pull off. 😆 23:45:20
22 Apr 2024
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruIt took me < 5 mins to set it up, so no biggie if it's not used13:12:57
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruThere are lots of other tools that TRBot has that aren't used as frequently, but hey they're there if players need them13:13:19
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruFingers crossed we continue with our lucky streak 🤞13:13:46

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