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30 May 2024
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 No... But I believe I've played it many years ago on the gamecube. So I would imagine it won't be any different other than minor graphical updates, and a few changes to whatever UI it has for the switch variant. 17:12:48
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official I just know - There’s heavy censoring in the English text of the game 21:49:24
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official changed their profile picture.21:49:33
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official Also, some of the more graphic things have been censored too. But some of them were also censored in the European version for the GameCube 21:49:42
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Okay then..... 21:50:04
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official Ive not been playing the game myself but that’s what I’ve noticed.
But the graphics are awesome
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official It’s a really faithful remaster of the original 21:50:18
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official The gameplay wasn’t nerfed to a noticable amount anyways, which was a big worry for many people 21:50:42
@_discord_812650392764678154:t2bot.iolii_official Especially after seeing how Nintendo does have a trackless of nerfing remasters 21:50:56
31 May 2024
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruSo far I think the pacing could use improvement. In the original you could almost always advance the text06:46:47
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruThe remake? If you haven't read that text yet be prepared to sit through it all06:46:58
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru* The remake? If you haven't read that text bubble yet be prepared to sit through it all06:47:07
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru* But in the remake? If you haven't read that text bubble yet be prepared to sit through it all06:47:23
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru It also follows Nintendo's recent trend to make absolutely sure you notice any kind of change in the form of arbitrary waits that are too long 06:48:38
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruEx. when restoring both HP and FP, it waits like 1 second after showing your HP increase before moving onto doing the same for FP06:49:46
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruBattles have had some slight pacing improvements but this brings the overall speed down and makes them take longer06:50:21
@_discord_173001519715581952:t2bot.iotaximadish My pet peeve is when an audience member takes out an item and it cancels your current menu selection to do a dramatic zoom in on them that lasts forever. 07:02:20
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 Really??? SO it's not just a 1 for 1 remake.. there's been, quote: "improvements" unquote that make the game.... WORSE? Okay then.... 23:35:26
@_discord_316431490273509376:t2bot.ionmario84 * Really??? So it's not just a 1 for 1 remake.. there's been, quote: "improvements" unquote that make the game.... WORSE? Okay then.... 23:35:34
1 Jun 2024
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruThere are some other changes for the better too06:16:39
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru* There are some other changes for the better too, like the shortcut to change partners on the overworld06:17:30
2 Jun 2024
@_discord_173001519715581952:t2bot.iotaximadish Yeah, I'd say the improvements balance out any new annoyances for the most part. So overall it's just as good as the original, probably a bit better. 03:09:56
10 Jun 2024
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru Hey, I'm thinking of putting up a shorter game soonish. Post ideas in #type2play-requests:matrix.org #requests ! 16:53:50
13 Jun 2024
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaru!discord bridge 183383601419780097 18338360141978009718:24:18
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord BridgeI'm asking permission from the guild administrators to make this bridge.18:24:24
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

I have bridged this room to your channel

23 Jul 2024
@_discord_1265359021682987121:t2bot.ioleonardorhap joined the room.17:33:58
@_discord_1265359021682987121:t2bot.ioleonardorhap Hi! I created another account here in discord. My old leonardorhap account in Twitch got activated by me and I disactivated e0mail notifications. The whole reason I disactivated in first place. 17:35:10
@kimimaru:matrix.orgkimimaruWelcome back!20:10:21
@_discord_1265359021682987121:t2bot.ioleonardorhap Thanks. But I'm a little hidden by my family in the Firefox Browser 20:11:43

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