
FOSS Discussion

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25 Apr 2017
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyzjcgruenhageam2on: I guess Allanitomwesh was being sarcastic15:19:05
@am2on:atauno.comam2onMaybe, but I think there are people who actually believe that, so I was just sharing my thoughts about it15:52:05
@am2on:atauno.comam2on Though i guess I'm preaching to the choir since this is the FOSS room after all :p 15:52:30
@rosecheval:matrix.orgart|codeThe main disadvantage I can see to FOSS is it's very difficult to raise capital.19:04:07
@rosecheval:matrix.orgart|codeMy guess is this why so many inventors try to convert FOSS back to proprietary.19:09:30
@rosecheval:matrix.orgart|codeThat, or they're pure evil. Who knows?19:09:58
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyzjcgruenhagePure evil, I am sure.19:11:59
@akito:matrix.orgAkito changed their profile picture.20:38:35
26 Apr 2017

The main disadvantage I can see to FOSS is it's very difficult to raise capital.


@timthelion:matrix.orgtimthelionThe main disadvantage I can see to capitalism is it's very difficult to maintain freedom.18:18:27
@timthelion:matrix.orgtimthelionBe it freedom in software, or more generally, individual freedom of determination. If you don't have capital, you're basically not allowed to do many things. Either by threat of violence, hunger, or debt which is enforced by violence.18:19:38
27 Apr 2017
@rosecheval:matrix.orgart|code timthelion: that's very true 02:19:42
@rosecheval:matrix.orgart|codeAllanitomwesh: not difficult to raise capital or not the main disadvantage?02:24:13
6 May 2017
@KingAG:matrix.orgSagiri joined the room.13:02:15
8 May 2017
@KingAG:matrix.orgSagiri changed their display name from KingSagiri to Sagiri.22:26:28
@KingAG:matrix.orgSagiri changed their profile picture.22:27:06
@KingAG:matrix.orgSagiri changed their profile picture.22:34:24
11 May 2017
@jon:terracrypt.netJon ☎️ changed their profile picture.12:20:56
12 May 2017
@WideEyedRioter:matrix.orgWideEyedRioter https://ar.al/notes/we-didnt-lose-control-it-was-stolen/ 09:48:01
13 May 2017
@WideEyedRioter:matrix.orgWideEyedRioter Great article on Google, privacy and cloud computing.


@am2on:atauno.comam2onWideEyedRioter: Thanks for sharing those articles!16:45:06
14 May 2017
@WideEyedRioter:matrix.orgWideEyedRioterYour welcome!00:26:05
21 May 2017
@riot.im:matrix.orgriot.im joined the room.21:53:13
22 May 2017
@stee:matrix.orgweh joined the room.11:21:50
@MoneyPenny:matrix.orgMoneyPenny joined the room.20:30:37
23 May 2017
@MoneyPenny:matrix.orgMoneyPennyhmm so can we mske a steganography based perfect forward secrecy app :P07:09:39
25 May 2017
@Meruso:matrix.orgMeruso changed their profile picture.10:02:03
1 Jun 2017
@Nitrogue:matrix.orgNitrogue joined the room.18:21:25

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