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28 Jan 2023
@_discord_214999775576195072:t2bot.ioMonky Games#8592 FYI - here is a video of the tracking working for Nolo !!! - https://youtu.be/L1-a-rHT_V4 05:49:13
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 presumably the rotation will drift over time as is 07:32:33
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 the way to solve it is to write code that filters the imu and the pose together such that the movement directions detected by the accelerometer are lined up with the movement direction of the positional tracking 07:33:48
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 A ukf will infer the correct yaw 08:41:09
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.09:59:57
@_discord_191246950421495808:t2bot.ioOrnst3in joined the room.11:12:02
@_discord_214999775576195072:t2bot.ioMonky Games#8592 Where do you think that code should be written? OpenHMD or Monado (fusion.c)? 20:37:14
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 OpenHMD should do it 20:46:35
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 openhmd doesn't give us acceleration 20:47:06
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 it does in my branch 😉 20:47:29
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 but that's global accel, not IMU 20:47:46
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 It still should be OpenHMD doing the fusion 20:51:21
@_discord_214999775576195072:t2bot.ioMonky Games#8592 Doesn't the nolo_decode_orientation in packet.c provide acceleration and gyro force? 21:20:49
@_discord_214999775576195072:t2bot.ioMonky Games#8592 So nolo has an IMU that merges accel and gyro to provide rotation about the axises? 21:22:16
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 imu is the part that contains the gyro and accelerometer 21:33:37
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 openhmd reads the info but it doesn't have an api to let monado ask for the acceleration directly 21:34:18
@_discord_327910780861284362:t2bot.iohaagch#5957 so unless we extend the openhmd api, it's only going to be possible inside openhmd 21:34:23
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.ioJakob Bornecrantz#6482 It would be also pretty easy to port the nolo driver to Monado so you can have better integration there. 21:34:26
@_discord_126040587219632130:t2bot.io᲻᲻ joined the room.21:44:12
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 joined the room.22:13:07
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 is openhmd still getting updates? 22:13:08
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.ioJakob Bornecrantz#6482image.png
Download image.png
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.ioJakob Bornecrantz#6482 Technically yes... 22:14:11
@_discord_195235210282008577:t2bot.ioSupreme#9828 😛 22:21:14
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 for context - theres some.. whats the phrase.. 'divisive politics' around openhmd and monado but there is no question that monado is where the vast majority of the work on open source xr has been done in the last 2 years. and openhmds future as a standalone project is unclear, unless somebody steps up to really lead the project and bring some major improvements to the way it works its unclear how it can move forward, vs stagnate at best 22:21:39
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 If I did that, I would end up completely changing the API it exposes 22:55:27
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 I think it's so dumb that it plumbs everything through "an array of floats you'd better know how to interpret" 22:55:48
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik#1182 joined the room.22:57:00
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik#1182 Hey don't did diss arrays of floats, vrpn has done that too for literally 25 years successfully... (But it does have tracker report types too, in addition to float arrays) 22:57:00
@_discord_162263979274665984:t2bot.iorpavlik#1182 😉 22:57:17

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