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1 Nov 2024
@fox:envs.net@fox:envs.net joined the room.11:29:09
@fox:envs.net@fox:envs.net left the room.12:12:57
@sauth:matrix.orgsauthHi 13:13:51
@sauth:matrix.orgsauthI am encountering a strange problem on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS13:14:18
@sauth:matrix.orgsauthFirst off, the lock screen icon has disappeared13:20:41
@sauth:matrix.orgsauthThe second issue is that now I walk away from the computer and it will totally lock up. I can't REISUB, and have had to force a shutdown by holding the power button a good dozen times this week. 13:21:33
@sauth:matrix.orgsauthCPU cores are holding steady at 66C, memory, CPU usage, etc seem normal. Logs don't seem to show anything either. 13:23:51
@ulmls2230:tchncs.de@ulmls2230:tchncs.de joined the room.14:39:56
@ulmls2230:tchncs.de@ulmls2230:tchncs.deHey, i have a question about ubuntu server LTS 2024, current version. i installed it on a ssd with lvm + luks. I want to extend lvm with another bigger hdd. i have the problem, that the blocksize of ubuntu server lvm is just 512. cause of the huge size of the hdd (16TB) it is using 4096. so it is not compatible. Is there any way to install ubuntu server with 4096? and why is it not using it out of the box? Thanks14:42:57
@ravage:xentonix.netNilsyou can manually create the partitions before and then assign them in the installer. but i dont remember how flexible the new installer is14:44:30
@ravage:xentonix.netNilsit lacks a lot of the stuff from the old instller14:44:46
@ravage:xentonix.netNils * it lacks a lot of the stuff from the old installer14:44:52
@ravage:xentonix.netNilssee "Limitations and workarounds"14:47:34
@ravage:xentonix.netNilsthat said im not even sure if that is really relevant15:00:27
@mjfisher97:matrix.orgmichael fisherHey what's up nils long time no talk bro15:20:11
@ravage:xentonix.netNilsall good15:21:20
In reply to @ravage:xentonix.net
it lacks a lot of the stuff from the old installer

thank you. strange, i did not expect that it is that difficult. but would the installer not change the blocksize any way, even with existing partitions?

do you know if it is standard that it is using 512? Thought thats an old size though.

@ashugg:matrix.orgashuggWell that's annoying. If you have another computer, are you still able to ping the first one? Can you ssh into it?15:57:05
@ancho85:matrix.organcho85 joined the room.19:28:36
@tmm627:mozilla.orgtmm627I'm having trouble with an Ubuntu 22.04 VM. Ever since I installed the recent set of updates including xorg update, I can't get to the login screen. SDDM says it cannot read display number from pipe. Has anyone else experienced this or know what to do?20:17:02
@wisely:matrix.orgwiselyubuntu 24.04.1LTS, AMD Ryzen 7040, Radeon Graphycs, X11, kernel 6.8.0-47-generic. When using dual display - the graphics display on the external monitor is larger and doesn't look proportional - changing the display of the external monitor to 100% (to reduce the size) causes the laptop's builtin monitor to loose its proper size. any adivce20:36:55
@konosuke-sakai:matrix.org@konosuke-sakai:matrix.org joined the room.20:59:15
@konosuke-sakai:matrix.org@konosuke-sakai:matrix.org left the room.21:00:24
@ashugg:matrix.orgashuggHave you had a search online for that SDDM error? Here is one suggestion that delaying the startup of sddm by a few seconds resolved the issue for that person. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1417031/sddm-not-starting-failed-to-read-display-number-from-pipe21:05:59
@ashugg:matrix.orgashuggSome other things I saw suggested that after the updates were installed, if a kernel upgrade was included, the driver module for the display may not have been rebuilt - rebooting with the previous kernel, if possible, would be a good test to see if the display works21:13:05
@reh678:matrix.orgMuhammad Rehan Khan joined the room.21:32:10
@tmm627:mozilla.orgtmm627No kernel was updated at the time and manually restarting SDDM does not help. Makes sense as after I did a little more trouble shooting, I see that it's Xorg that is segfaulting21:38:38
2 Nov 2024
@psiloohcybin:matrix.orgPsil0Cybin set a profile picture.01:08:40
@schemil053:matrix.orgschemil053 changed their display name from Emil Schlampp to schemil053.03:03:46

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