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10 Sep 2023
@aletsch:www.aletsch.duckdns.orgaletsch joined the room.04:56:34
@edmundlaugasson:matrix.orgEdmund Laugasson joined the room.07:34:16
@biep:synod.imM BipMy battery is faulty, and at times reports more charge than the maximum it can still hold. Ubuntu reacts by cutting the mains power - leaving the computer powerless. Is there a way to tell Ubuntu not to do that? During start-up all works well, and the power light is on, but once Ubuntu takes the seat, that light switches off, and problems start.10:29:02
@u8353v:matrix.orgvx8are kwin/x11 tied down?11:20:32
Download image.png
Download image.png
@u8353v:matrix.orgvx8why am i using kwin and x11 since they are seperate window managers?11:21:05
@ravage:xentonix.netNilsRedacted or Malformed Event11:37:04
@ravage:xentonix.netNilsRedacted or Malformed Event11:37:15
In reply to @biep:synod.im
My battery is faulty, and at times reports more charge than the maximum it can still hold. Ubuntu reacts by cutting the mains power - leaving the computer powerless.
Is there a way to tell Ubuntu not to do that?
During start-up all works well, and the power light is on, but once Ubuntu takes the seat, that light switches off, and problems start.
im almost sure Ubuntu does not "cut power". it is more likely that your battery just does not provide power anymore
@ravage:xentonix.netNils * x11 is a display server and not a window manager. thats kwin for you11:38:35
In reply to @u8353v:matrix.org
why am i using kwin and x11 since they are seperate window managers?
x11 is a display server and not a window manager. thats kwin for you
@asianjim:mozilla.orgAsian Jim changed their display name from asianjim to Asian Jim.11:59:56
In reply to @biep:synod.im
My battery is faulty, and at times reports more charge than the maximum it can still hold. Ubuntu reacts by cutting the mains power - leaving the computer powerless.
Is there a way to tell Ubuntu not to do that?
During start-up all works well, and the power light is on, but once Ubuntu takes the seat, that light switches off, and problems start.

In my exp, your battery just doesn't take charge wuen it is full and mains piwer is just fed to the laptop.

So sounds more like a hw problem to mr

In reply to @ravage:xentonix.net
x11 is a display server and not a window manager. thats kwin for you
cheers 👍️
@openlinux21:matrix.orgopenlinux21 https://matrix.to/#/!gZomNLJcXjUJOmvlst:matrix.org/$169435259148499tJnLc:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=matrix.im&via=the-apothecary.club
@eudaimon36:matrix.orgeudaimon36 hey, guys: at my wits end with this one. After editing my /etc/netplan/ config to create a bridge, then giving netplan apply, Ubuntu 22.04 crashed and will no longer boot into anything other than emergency mode. I can't even imagine how these could be related. 13:37:34
@openlinux21:matrix.orgopenlinux21What's your most common operating system?13:37:56
@eudaimon36:matrix.orgeudaimon36So I moved from Windows to Ubuntu about a year ago. But I did not know Windows well at all. Just started learning more about OSes and privacy and such and got hooked on it. I've learned a lot in a year, but still a long way to go.13:40:59
@eduardo.luz:matrix.orgEduardo Fávero Pacheco da Luz joined the room.17:22:18
@andreever:everskold.comAndré Eversköld joined the room.18:46:37
11 Sep 2023
@kfi:matrix.orgkfi joined the room.07:46:56
@amatas:matrix.orgAlf joined the room.08:10:44
@tomjwatson:matrix.orgtomjwatson joined the room.10:23:40
@biep:synod.imM Bip
In reply to @ravage:xentonix.net
im almost sure Ubuntu does not "cut power". it is more likely that your battery just does not provide power anymore
It doesn't - but the mains does. Just now, the battery loaded from 0% to 17%, and the "mains and charging" light was on (orange). Then it fell back to 0%, and the mains light went off completely - it ought to be "mains and not charging" (white).
But it seems the power is there, despite the light being off and the scare battery (red with exclamation mark) being shown.
So that is good.
@effendy:matrix.orgeffendyHi. I was wondering, why does Ubuntu forces you to enable LVM during the installation wizard if you choose to encrypt your disk (with LUKS)?12:00:06
@effendy:matrix.orgeffendy* Hi. I was wondering, why does Ubuntu force you to enable LVM during the installation wizard if you choose to encrypt your disk (with LUKS)?12:00:14
@effendy:matrix.orgeffendyWhy is it advantageous to use LVM instead of just encrypting the partitions directly?12:00:54
@kev.funke:matrix.orgkev | VF Validierung joined the room.12:38:03
@CarlFK:matrix.orgCarlFK joined the room.13:37:04

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