
TC39 Inclusion Group

5 Members
Public logs at https://view.matrix.org/room/!DgpygRnlCHLTRbahDa:matrix.org/3 Servers

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15 Nov 2020
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewI have no idea, how do i find out?15:41:15
@usharma:igalia.comryzokukenRoom settings15:41:24
@usharma:igalia.comryzokukenPrimary Alias15:41:27
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanyou have to create an alias15:41:48
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanI think we have to enable previews or something as well15:42:24
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanonly Jase has admin permissions at this point15:42:45
@usharma:igalia.comryzokukenthere must be a switch to make room "public" I think.15:42:51
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewIts private right now, i assumed we didn't want it public? (im looking at the alias, i think i need to make a local alias first)15:43:12
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewI think the alias has been set15:43:57
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewI can't seem to make anyone admin15:44:48
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewthe options are not there or greyed out15:44:52
@usharma:igalia.comryzokukencan you make this room public?15:45:11
@usharma:igalia.comryzokukenpublish it to the directory or whatever?15:45:21
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewDid we not want it invite-only?15:45:39
@usharma:igalia.comryzokukenjust to try out the logging15:46:04
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanI think matching the IRC limitations would mean making it public, but those who join do not have permission to speak15:46:17
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanthis is possible to do in the settings panel, if you make use of the different levels15:46:42
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanit's very customizable15:46:48
@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanto make me or ujjwal admins, you have to click on us and then click on our roles15:47:09
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewThis is what i see when i click on you15:47:47
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@dehrenberg:igalia.comlittledanyeah so you click on that thing where it says "Default in TC39..."15:48:18
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewchanged room power levels.15:48:40
@usharma:igalia.comryzokuken jasew: in "who can access channel", set it to anyone. In "who can send messages" we can set it to sth high. 15:48:44
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewchanged room power levels.15:48:56
@jasew:matrix.orgjasewThanks, that wasn't obvious to me15:49:04

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