

435 Members
Discord bridge for scalameta/scalafmt3 Servers

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17 May 2024
@_discord_195829958839500800:t2bot.ioVlad changed their profile picture.22:00:48
19 May 2024
@_discord_577714332570222613:t2bot.iobste_ joined the room.22:20:34
20 May 2024
@_discord_1022216245816336486:t2bot.iojwgcooke joined the room.16:07:14
@_discord_270243703015079946:t2bot.iobalmungsan3 changed their display name from balmungsan3#0 to balmungsan3.18:04:55
21 May 2024
@_discord_740114047684313110:t2bot.iojypma changed their display name from netwa1ker to jypma.13:16:18
22 May 2024
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj joined the room.08:54:35
@_discord_264506688877494282:t2bot.iodos65 joined the room.11:42:29
23 May 2024
@_discord_740839976169898074:t2bot.ioazaad1789 joined the room.06:53:13
@_discord_843896430917320714:t2bot.ioim_bharadwajj changed their display name from boomboom9929 to im_bharadwajj.11:41:51
@_discord_160092331708514304:t2bot.io_tibor_ joined the room.14:02:31
@_discord_121467287545839616:t2bot.ioMichael D changed their display name from yeoldeporkchop to Michael D.15:43:58
@_discord_471089203158188052:t2bot.ioJesse (jsatk) changed their profile picture.17:01:57
27 May 2024
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt Please just don't. Use the [standard style] (https://docs.scala-lang.org/style/indentation.html): two spaces, no tabs. 22:08:03
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt * Please just don't. Use the [standard style](https://docs.scala-lang.org/style/indentation.html): two spaces, no tabs. 22:08:13
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt There’s enough variation as it is, no need to open another can of worms 22:08:57
28 May 2024
@_discord_889107121281576970:t2bot.ioyounguyen joined the room.10:50:31
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. boutta trigger a new holy war 12:32:25
29 May 2024
@_discord_488502166299082754:t2bot.ioBrian Tracey changed their profile picture.13:03:25
@_discord_254357069769998338:t2bot.iokubukoz changed their profile picture.15:59:58
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt I have a file called github.scala in my project and I don't want it to be formatted, so I put project.excludePaths = ["glob:**/github.scala"] in my config 22:33:43
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt Scalafmt doesn't care, it just keeps trying to format that file (and crashes) 22:34:06
30 May 2024
@_discord_448877036098813952:t2bot.iololgab changed their profile picture.17:02:05
31 May 2024
@_discord_673627799717937152:t2bot.iokitbellew perhaps the name of the file doesn't include a "/"? 07:19:38
@_discord_639859187773603841:t2bot.iomatthiasberndt there is a directory in between.... 07:21:30
@_discord_673627799717937152:t2bot.iokitbellew excludePaths is only used when you don't specify explicit filenames on the command line (or specify --respect-project-filters); are you running scalafmt command-line tool without options? 07:25:16
@_discord_753604344456413274:t2bot.ioThibault joined the room.15:36:04
1 Jun 2024
@_discord_810210642229329929:t2bot.iomzuehlke I think I once read that these excludes are only used by the CLI and not by the sbt plugin
Not sure if this applies in your case…
@_discord_1215349065022447670:t2bot.iobrndt_43397 joined the room.18:42:44
2 Jun 2024
@_discord_753604344456413274:t2bot.ioThibault changed their display name from tiboepfl to Thibault.17:01:22
23 Jun 2024
@devfuuu:matrix.org@devfuuu:matrix.org left the room.22:27:07

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