

599 Members
91 Servers

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18 Jul 2024
@epicsnail:matrix.orgSnail joined the room.20:54:07
@epicsnail:matrix.orgSnail left the room.20:54:33
19 Jul 2024
@eusio:matrix.orgHerik Mendes joined the room.01:46:53
@perelmans:matrix.orgperelmans joined the room.04:09:47
@perelmans:matrix.orgperelmans left the room.04:10:50
@kbum:matrix.orgDarius Tarog joined the room.16:20:38
22 Jul 2024
@sweet12356:matrix.orgsweet12356 joined the room.05:22:24
20 Jul 2024
@degengrunt:haruska.comdegengrunt joined the room.21:39:09
22 Jul 2024
@sweet12356:matrix.orgsweet12356 left the room.06:00:28
@james157.:matrix.orgJuan Duglas joined the room.20:23:58
@james157.:matrix.orgJuan Duglas left the room.20:25:15
23 Jul 2024
@angleur:matrix.organgleur joined the room.00:39:47
@angleur:matrix.organgleur left the room.00:42:41
@teggyisswag:matrix.orgTeggy Beswag set a profile picture.04:52:30
@teggyisswag:matrix.orgTeggy Beswag changed their profile picture.04:53:05
@kbum:matrix.orgDarius Tarog left the room.04:53:16
@teggyisswag:matrix.orgTeggy Beswag left the room.05:34:51
@binarybytecode:matrix.orgbinarybytecode joined the room.08:16:59
@jad333:matrix.org@jad333:matrix.org joined the room.16:12:26
@jad333:matrix.org@jad333:matrix.org joined the room.16:25:31
@jad333:matrix.org@jad333:matrix.org left the room.16:25:59
@huskers_19:matrix.orgFibersplicer joined the room.18:23:17
@cesare22:matrix.orgcesare medici joined the room.19:20:31
@eusio:matrix.orgHerik Mendes left the room.19:32:08
24 Jul 2024
@cesare22:matrix.orgcesare medici left the room.11:13:06
@jovenlp86:matrix.orgJohnson joined the room.21:51:09
@jovenlp86:matrix.orgJohnson left the room.22:47:48
25 Jul 2024
@jericho:matrix.im@jericho:matrix.im joined the room.04:36:35
@rhehdji338:matrix.orgrhehdji338 joined the room.23:36:35
26 Jul 2024
@rhehdji338:matrix.orgrhehdji338 left the room.06:42:22

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