
Kulupu Watercooler

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18 Nov 2021
@telegram_803686583:corepaper.orgLeo Pecora [TheSheepCat] (Telegram) changed their profile picture.11:52:04
22 Nov 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/neatcoin/status/1462702783984029697 08:45:40
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/acuity_social/status/1461246169988751362 08:46:10
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9-DvgMzOtis&feature=youtu.be the video of how it’s done! No pools, but order book. Really cool 😎! 09:08:35
23 Nov 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) While I was able to tip you @sorpaas for the latest version of Neatcoin, I wasn't able to do this for the Pelican Town upgrade yet! I would also like to tip Jonathan the founder of Acuity for bringing KLP to his DEX. 15:07:02
25 Nov 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/kulupunetwork/status/1463787510564274177 08:34:00
26 Nov 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) As I understand @sorpaas is that actors have a predefined amount of memory? Could actors become spammed or attacked with unhandled messages and run out of memory? 06:45:47
@telegram_926110356:corepaper.orgKaos (Telegram) changed their profile picture.17:04:25
27 Nov 2021
@_discord_242032644232183808:corepaper.orgsorpaas#0 That's of no issue. Fees of messages are paid by the sender and are stored outside of the actor's memory. 18:58:10
@_discord_242032644232183808:corepaper.orgsorpaas#0 However, I do still really worry about performance in the current design. The solution I have at this moment is to design a specialized interpreter / bytecode representation / programming language that is just for this actor contract platform. If we make "fetch" pure and cheap then that'll encourage people to split their contracts into smaller units. 18:59:57
28 Nov 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) Sorry it’s the answer to this question: As I understand [@sorpaas](https://matrix.to/#/@telegram_343616985:corepaper.org) is that actors have a predefined amount of memory? Could actors become spammed or attacked with unhandled messages and run out of memory? 06:55:43
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) * Sorry it’s the answer to this question: As I understand [@ sorpaas](https://matrix.to/#/@telegram_343616985:corepaper.org) is that actors have a predefined amount of memory? Could actors become spammed or attacked with unhandled messages and run out of memory? 06:56:06
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) * Sorry it’s the answer to this question: As I understand [@](https://matrix.to/#/@telegram_343616985:corepaper.org) is that actors have a predefined amount of memory? Could actors become spammed or attacked with unhandled messages and run out of memory? 07:00:28
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) Forwarded message from Junte (Telegram)
If you want to try out registering a domain, it’s possible on Vodka the testnet for Neatcoin! You can get tokens from Wei in the Neatcoin discord!
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/neatcoin/status/1464854083198668802?s=21 07:37:27
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/Madtodist/status/1464879669111623684 08:59:11
29 Nov 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/kulupunetwork/status/1465334571336146955 15:00:21
30 Nov 2021
@telegram_258850054:corepaper.orgA99 គុយ ជីវ (Telegram) changed their profile picture.06:57:21
1 Dec 2021
@telegram_1312687812:corepaper.orgD B (Telegram)Hi everyone, Some of you may already know me, but for those of you who don’t I would like to introduce myself. I am Eclipse on Discord but perhaps you know me better as “D B” on Telegram. I have been part of the Kulupu community for over a year now. Back then I found myself intrigued by the prospect of Kulupu; no pre-mine, governance on PoW, a Substrate framework (I’m a huge Dotsama fan), community-led, and developed by passionate and undoubtedly skilled developers. Ever since then I’ve accumulated stake in the network, contributed to the shared security of the network, and have tried to the best of my abilities to help our fellow Kulupunauts with whatever problems they may have. Recently I even began volunteering my time to moderate the Kulupu telegram channels. I’ve done all of this because I truly believe in the vision of Kulupu and want to do my part in making that vision a reality. I’m writing here today to inform the community I am submitting my candidacy for Kulupu council. If you believe in what I stand for as a community member then I encourage you to vote for me.04:04:27
@telegram_1312687812:corepaper.orgD B (Telegram) https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc.kulupu.corepaper.org%2Fws#/council 07:17:21
2 Dec 2021
@telegram_1312687812:corepaper.orgD B (Telegram)Try hotbit or qtrade17:56:03
4 Dec 2021
@telegram_1312687812:corepaper.orgD B (Telegram) set a profile picture.03:59:47
5 Dec 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) You can post your marketing proposal here:

@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://youtu.be/um85og-Dk1I 14:52:49
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/Madtodist/status/1467505355919970308?s=20 14:53:11
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://twitter.com/kulupunetwork/status/1467506684885090306 14:53:33
7 Dec 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram) https://t.me/KLPmania is where you can talk freely about price. 18:38:51
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram)We have just had the chain updated to the latest Substrate version. We also have the atomic swap and a finalised design for the smart contracts. Outreach is what the community or holders should help with. Network effects... I can't tell you when bridges could go live.18:43:57
8 Dec 2021
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram)Atomic swap is enabled for swapping Kulupu and Neatcoin!06:47:00
@telegram_726084113:corepaper.orgJunte (Telegram)No.06:47:08

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