
Kulupu Watercooler

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20 Nov 2020
@telegram_898451985:corepaper.orgD (Telegram) joined the room.02:44:49
@telegram_802457707:corepaper.orgfox_foxtrot (Telegram) joined the room.03:00:34
@telegram_1133144226:corepaper.orgJim K (Telegram) joined the room.03:18:52
@telegram_460148590:corepaper.orgYong Hui (Telegram) joined the room.03:32:31
@telegram_528515576:corepaper.org@Cryptostormm (Telegram) joined the room.03:49:31
@telegram_1216605467:corepaper.orgFuji 藤 (Telegram) joined the room.04:05:24
@telegram_1278622555:corepaper.orgBlyskwoku (Telegram)
In reply to Wolf | CryptoSquad (Telegram)
Any specific reason
New time. New tg.
@telegram_343616985:corepaper.orgWei Tang (Telegram)
In reply to Blyskwoku (Telegram)
New time. New tg.
You can continue to use whatever channel you want. This group was mainly created to defeat the claim that any Telegram chat is “official”.

You can also use this as a technical chat group if you want. In the mean time we’d also invite you to join Discord.
@telegram_343616985:corepaper.orgWei Tang (Telegram)* You can continue to use whatever channel you want. This group was mainly created to defeat the claim that any Telegram chat group is “official”. You can also use this as a technical chat group if you want. In the mean time we’d also invite you to join Discord.04:27:31
@telegram_343616985:corepaper.orgWei Tang (Telegram)* You can continue to use whatever channel you want. This group was mainly created to defeat the claim that any Telegram chat group is “official”. You can also use this as a technical chat group if you want. In the mean time we’d invite you to join Discord.04:27:56
@telegram_343616985:corepaper.orgWei Tang (Telegram) https://discord.kulupu.network 04:28:56
@telegram_528515576:corepaper.org@Cryptostormm (Telegram)Klp will rock soon in all aspects..04:52:04
@telegram_762701928:corepaper.orgManMythLegend (Telegram) joined the room.05:05:32
@telegram_1101464917:corepaper.orgken (Telegram) joined the room.06:39:23
@telegram_997561796:corepaper.orgpetr 27 (Telegram) joined the room.06:53:39
@telegram_838894947:corepaper.orgYU qilin (Telegram) joined the room.06:54:22
@telegram_718348:corepaper.orgAdrian Verde (Telegram)
In reply to Group (Telegram)
With locked mining they actually make a commitment, and have many incentives to participate in governance.
Could another form of commitment without the locking (and therefore having it easier to pay electricity bills as newly minted coins are generated) be to make it necessary to hold a certain amount of KLP on the address that is mining with signed mining before it is able to?
@telegram_718348:corepaper.orgAdrian Verde (Telegram)Otherwise coinbase coins could be totally burned or entirely donated to the treasury07:20:25
@telegram_718348:corepaper.orgAdrian Verde (Telegram)
In reply to @_discord_242032644232183808:corepaper.org
It's bridged to Discord and Matrix! 🙂
Do you have a link for the Matrix channel?
@telegram_416696885:corepaper.orgSpata (Telegram) joined the room.07:46:51
@telegram_5854187:corepaper.orgMauro (Telegram) joined the room.08:23:06
@telegram_577772423:corepaper.orgcryptovigi (Telegram) joined the room.08:26:13
@telegram_452766487:corepaper.orgIiro (Telegram) joined the room.08:34:27
@telegram_394150793:corepaper.orgJL Robsky (Telegram) joined the room.08:57:38
@telegram_1350007062:corepaper.orgCrypto (Telegram) joined the room.10:00:06
@telegram_829054853:corepaper.orgmosk king (Telegram) joined the room.10:07:12
@telegram_829054853:corepaper.orgmosk king (Telegram)klp to the zero10:08:38
@telegram_829054853:corepaper.orgmosk king (Telegram)are you kidding me?10:08:55
@telegram_497596254:corepaper.orgTamara Frankel (Telegram)KLP is for people who want to participate in a real crypto and social experiment. Who cares if it goes to 0. We will learn so much on the way.10:12:58
@telegram_497596254:corepaper.orgTamara Frankel (Telegram)
In reply to Adrian Verde (Telegram)
Do you have a link for the Matrix channel?

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