
Polemic Knowledge - Cursos Gratuitos

740 Members
10 Servers

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13 Jan 2023
@telegram_1202945784:t2bot.ioShavershian changed their profile picture.23:29:27
14 Jan 2023
@guerrilheirocatolico:matrix.orgguerrilheirocatolico joined the room.01:06:56
@telegram_5273329611:t2bot.ioSnypool changed their profile picture.12:28:48
15 Jan 2023
@telegram_975816474:t2bot.ioXavier 🥂 changed their profile picture.20:17:49
17 Jan 2023
@uandersoncf:matrix.orgfontescg joined the room.17:32:58
@telegram_2001789027:t2bot.ioLobin changed their profile picture.18:14:44
19 Jan 2023
@0ddin:matrix.orgRth78 joined the room.10:59:16
@0ddin:matrix.orgRth78Como faço para baixar cursos no matrix ?17:29:09
20 Jan 2023
@telegram_5273329611:t2bot.ioSnypool changed their profile picture.01:53:36
@telegram_5273329611:t2bot.ioSnypool changed their profile picture.02:50:05
@telegram_721605896:t2bot.ioPhransisko changed their profile picture.19:36:23
21 Jan 2023
@infinity31:matrix.org@infinity31:matrix.org joined the room.18:16:32
@infinity31:matrix.org@infinity31:matrix.org left the room.18:16:46
@telegram_1066061686:t2bot.ioẼ̷͙̀̽i̶̕͜ ̖n̷̛ ̻̻͎ͅe̴͔̐̆͠ ̵̗̘̽̐͛̕F̷̩̼̽̈a̸̟̒̽ ̻̣u̵͚͕̥̰̅s̴̡̪̘͎̋t̴ F̸̟̹̲̚i̵͋̈́ changed their profile picture.18:53:09
22 Jan 2023
@baconseagul22:matrix.orgbaconseagul22 joined the room.02:29:06
@baconseagul22:matrix.orgbaconseagul22 left the room.02:48:08
26 Jan 2023
@jhoemanson69:matrix.orgYuki Chaos joined the room.09:38:49
@telegram_1755172380:t2bot.ioBruno Levi changed their display name from Bruninho Herman to Bruno Levi.17:59:47
27 Jan 2023
@baconseagul22:matrix.orgbaconseagul22 joined the room.12:11:25
@telegram_975816474:t2bot.ioXavier 🥂 changed their profile picture.18:17:50
28 Jan 2023
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.09:20:02
29 Jan 2023
@telegram_1469214768:t2bot.ioVitor Vieira changed their display name from Eiden to Vitor Vieira.15:01:25
31 Jan 2023
@johny09:matrix.org@johny09:matrix.org joined the room.22:39:11
@johny09:matrix.org@johny09:matrix.org left the room.23:11:30
1 Feb 2023
@telegram_964587302:t2bot.ioFélix changed their display name from Felix to Félix.23:13:41
@telegram_964587302:t2bot.ioFélix changed their profile picture.23:14:41
2 Feb 2023
@baconseagul22:matrix.orgbaconseagul22 left the room.11:23:38
3 Feb 2023
@thomas708:matrix.org@thomas708:matrix.org joined the room.19:04:42
5 Feb 2023
@thomas708:matrix.org@thomas708:matrix.org joined the room.13:07:46
@thomas708:matrix.org@thomas708:matrix.org left the room.13:07:48

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