
Python in Heliophysics (PyHC)

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A room for collaborations in Python tools for all heliophysics http://heliopython.org25 Servers

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16 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy This is in addition to other user experience improvements in Python 3.11 & 3.12, such as major improvements in the most common error messages. 17:34:05
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof just when I was about to add ipython hints for tab completion and syntax highlighting. I hope if they continue this development it'll be in concert with ipython 18:13:14
20 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie BarnumRedacted or Malformed Event15:19:14
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie BarnumRedacted or Malformed Event15:19:15
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie BarnumRedacted or Malformed Event15:31:44
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie BarnumRedacted or Malformed Event15:32:18
@slack_pyhc_U04TESKM6UA:openastronomy.orgDaniel da Silva The summer school website says zoom will be available for those who didn't register. Can someone send the link? It doesn't appear to be on the website. 16:47:26
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn Polson TSorry that wording is unclear on the webpage, I will update it. If you did not register, you cannot access the Zoom. But the meeting is being recorded and streamed to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/I0Mg9HHq5L0?si=v4TqFRS73ILtum4Y You may watch live on YouTube even if you didn’t register. 16:50:28
@slack_pyhc_U04TESKM6UA:openastronomy.orgDaniel da Silva Good enough! Thanks Shawn Polson 16:55:13
@slack_pyhc_U04TESKM6UA:openastronomy.orgDaniel da Silva BTW i don't think the audio is working on youtube 16:55:42
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn Polson Oh we’re on break for the next 3 minutes 16:58:00
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn Polson You can’t tell because Bob changed the screen away from the break screen 16:58:23
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof Waiting for Zenodo to approve.... 21:51:42
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof Actually I think Nick is the approver for PyHC on Zenodo. I probably shouldn't interrupt his talk.... 22:01:11
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum I am, too, actually 22:01:23
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum But gimme like, 10 min lol 22:01:31
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Attempting to print out a poster for one of our attendees. It's been an ✨ adventure ✨ 22:01:51
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof this is performative impatience, not actual expectations 22:01:58
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehofpuglie-pug-puglie.gif
Download puglie-pug-puglie.gif
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof thanks! 22:27:18
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum bow 22:34:06
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof Concluding a year of work, and with much thanks to Julie Barnum and Shawn Polson for process support, and to many (particularly Nick Murphy and Rebecca Ringuette for lots of comments), PHEP-1 is now live, all PHEPs linked from https://heliopython.org/docs/ 23:05:00
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Congrats, all! 23:07:15
@slack_pyhc_U059YA2B7V5:openastronomy.orgJon Niehof (countdown to somebody finding the first embarrassing typo in 3...2...) 23:43:06
21 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Anyone know of a good free alternative to sli.do? Looks like the option to have participants add their own questions/do ranking is a paid version thing (and there's no free trial I can leverage, then cancel as soon as the summer school wraps) 15:48:45
@slack_pyhc_U045L7RAAEL:openastronomy.orgJon Vandegriff LASP may have an institutional license to sli.do or something similar. Most organizations need something like this nowadays, so maybe ask LASP folks in a communications role or department? 15:50:14
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Good point, I'll ask 15:50:25
22 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0749PK2FDM:openastronomy.orgIsabella Dieguez joined the room.22:23:34
@slack_pyhc_U074QAM422E:openastronomy.orgRosilio Román joined the room.22:24:09
@slack_pyhc_U075320B28Z:openastronomy.orgslack_pyhc_U075320B28Z joined the room.22:35:44

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