
Python in Heliophysics (PyHC)

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A room for collaborations in Python tools for all heliophysics http://heliopython.org25 Servers

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28 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0624TDA2LR:openastronomy.orgJim Lewis I'll copy it here in case other people are having similar issues: For those of you still having problems connecting to the MMS data server using the summer school heliocloud, there is a partial workaround you might try. For any pyspedas.mms call that's resulting in a JSON decode error, try adding no_update=True to the parameter list. This bypasses the step that's failing (where pyspedas contacts the MMS data server to get a list of filenames matching the request). Instead, it will go directly to the pyspedas cached data directory and attempt to load the necessary data from there. (This is good to keep in mind if you've got a slow or unavailable internet connection, and want to work with the data you've already downloaded.) You will only be able to access the data we've preloaded in the heliocloud scratch space, so it will only work for the time ranges specified in the original notebooks. If you want to try running the notebooks outside the heliocloud, in your own Python environment, or perhaps via Google Colab, you might get lucky and be able to connect to the MMS SDC! (You will have to replace the SPEDAS_DATA_DIR setting with something appropriate for your environment.). If that doesn't work, you won't be able to fall back on the data we've pre-cached in the heliocloud. There's a partial workaround for that, too: if you add spdf=True to the failing pyspedas.mms calls, it will look for the data at NASA's SPDF archive rather than the MMS SDC. Unfortunately, that archive is missing the orbit data we've been loading with pyspedas.mms.mms_load_state() and pyspedas.mms.mec(), so if you need that data, you're out of luck until MMS resolves their data server issues. If there's an upside to this rather unfortunate data access hiccup, now you're aware that incomplete archives and cranky data servers are a thing that happens in this field! So maybe don't wait until the night before your paper is due to work on that last figure, or at least make sure you've locally cached everything you might need. 19:26:50
@slack_pyhc_U0624TDA2LR:openastronomy.orgJim Lewis Update: I just heard from one of the MMS SDC people I've been in touch with, and things seem to be working better now! The notebooks we were using to load MMS data in the heliocloud environment now seem to be working again. For anyone who's been having issues connecting to the MMS data server over the past few days, please try it again now, and let me know if you're still having issues. 23:59:44
29 May 2024
@ahmadryan:matrix.orgRamizQudsiIt works for me now! Thank you so much for the uodate!14:14:54
30 May 2024
@slack_pyhc_U044YV039RA:openastronomy.orgSandy Antunes (APL) The Zarr-Python people are interested in input for whether people are using the Zarr format, 3-minute survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhztW1BM4ssHHr9F4XskLgpdAUFn_3CQkNQlSqWmrOqEcDAw/viewform 16:20:15
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey, all! For the Boulder Solar Alliance REU I co-coordinate, we have weekly professional development sessions. On Thurs, June 13th (2-4 PM MT) we're planning a "programming best practices" session. I'm thinking topics like "writing useful comments/overall documentation, naming conventions for variables, functions, etc., following Agile processes, testing, making your code to be reusable and/or open". Would anyone here be interested in presenting on something like this/helping plan it? Trying to keep it language agnostic, but many of the projects are either Python or IDL (there are two that are Julia and MATLAB) if that helps. 20:51:41
1 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U058740BA4C:openastronomy.orgMarcus Hughes Did you get any volunteers? I may be able to help out. 14:34:56
3 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0768LJL11B:openastronomy.orgslack_pyhc_U0768LJL11B joined the room.17:07:53
@slack_pyhc_U0768LJL11B:openastronomy.orgslack_pyhc_U0768LJL11B set a profile picture.17:08:42
@slack_pyhc_U0768LJL11B:openastronomy.orgslack_pyhc_U0768LJL11B changed their profile picture.18:29:44
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Alex Koufos has agreed to help out, but the more the merrier! We're gonna meet to discuss this Thurs at 1:30 PM MT. Can you join then Marcus Hughes? 19:31:25
6 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy NumPy 2.0.0 is due to come out around June 16! There are some breaking changes, so we might end up with new test failures in the heliopythoniverse. Fortunately, if we use ruff and enable rule NPY201, we should be able to catch the bulk of the changes. 17:19:18
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn Polson That’s so soon! 17:21:10
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy One practice that we've done with PlasmaPy has been to run weekly tests against the development versions of NumPy, Astropy, Sphinx, and other packages we depend on. That's helped us learn about some problems before they made it into actual releases. 17:32:38
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Alex Koufos just introduced me to this resource: https://bssw.io/ . Thought you all might be interested in it, too! 21:04:00
7 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn Polson The 11th item in our PyHC standards mandates Python 3 support instead of 2. This is outdated, so I wrote a PHEP to replace it! I’m basically proposing we adopt a Python version support schedule similar to NEP 29/SPEC 0 (support Python versions for 42 months, adopt new versions within 6). PR here. All feedback is welcome! 🙂 (There’s also still a PR open for a PHEP template I’d like to finalize soon, it was helpful.) 16:53:25
13 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U06EALSHP6Z:openastronomy.orgIndia Jackson changed their profile picture.16:07:12
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn PolsonIMG_9392
Download IMG_9392
@slack_pyhc_U03U37X8G2D:openastronomy.orgShawn Polson A few of us in PyHC are involved in an effort to make shared science platform(s) for our field (think a browser-based environment to run code, pre-installed with heliophysics goodies). We put together a survey to gauge what tools everyone is using, and it’d really help us if you’d take a moment to fill it out! Please share your input here? Thank you! https://tinyurl.com/HelioSoftware 20:12:27
17 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey, all! We have a telecon today coming up in one hour at 9 AM MT | 11 AM ET | 15 UTC. Daniel Da Silva will present on a new platform, Helio Data, which aims to be “An open access gateway to thousands of datasets from Heliophysics missions with sophisticated analyses and modeling approaches available”. Should time remain, Shawn will also speak on PHEP 3, which is currently in its initial stages within the PyHC Standards GitHub repo. Zoom: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97372369069 14:00:01
18 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey, all! Updated the PyHC meetings page to have information about AGU and DASH/IHDEA (see here). Be sure to check that out and get to submitting abstracts. Deadline for AGU abstracts is end of July, and for DASH/IHDEA it's August 10th. 21:00:54
24 Jun 2024
@slack_pyhc_U07A7DUBNV6:openastronomy.orgK Cariglia joined the room.20:15:16
@slack_pyhc_U07A7DUBNV6:openastronomy.orgK Cariglia changed their display name from slack_pyhc_U07A7DUBNV6 to Katherine Cariglia.20:37:34
@slack_pyhc_U07A7DUBNV6:openastronomy.orgK Cariglia set a profile picture.20:37:34
1 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey, all! We have a bi-weekly PyHC telecon today at the usual time of 9 AM MT | 11 AM ET | 15 UTC. We’ll be going over PHEP 3, plus walk-on topics (if any arise). Zoom: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fcuboulder.zoom.us%2Fj%2F97372369069&sa=D&ust=1720253760000000&usg=AOvVaw1-bL9h62zCDbZCPbKaZODC 14:00:05
4 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Potentially cool session for data viz packages to submit to: https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prelim.cgi/Session/226981 01:48:29
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum (or people doing art with data viz Russell Stoneback) 01:48:38
9 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum PHEP 4, which establishes a new PyHC package tiering system, is now live (see here)! I've tagged all the core developers I could think of to review, but please feel free to take a look and leave comments, suggestions, etc. This is really meant as a first stab at this ideal, so I fully expect people to poke holes and add/remove categories and/or benefits from team. Thank you in advance for your [constructive] ideas. 20:51:17
16 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hi all, A reminder on some upcoming important deadlines: • PyHC AGU session *** Please share with anyone you think might be interested in submitting an abstract! ◦ SM007 - Innovative Python Software in Solar and Space Physics ▪︎ We don’t have anything submitted so far! I’d love to see our session full of topics. ◦ Abstracts due by *31 July 2024 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT (late submissions will not be accepted)* • DASH/IHDEA 2024 meetings ◦ DASH/IHDEA website ◦ Abstract submissions/registration due by *10 August 2024* Thanks, Julie 06:28:33
25 Jul 2024
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy :nasa: For anyone else considering submitting a NASA Heliophysics Tools and Methods (HTM) proposal: I had previously heard that the HTM program element was a "no due date" proposal that we could submit to at any time, but I heard back from the new program manager that this "is not a no due date" opportunity. The NSPIRES helpdesk said that this program element will open around 90 days ahead of the proposal due date of 2/27/2025. Just wanted to mention this in case you needed a valid excuse to procrastinate! 🙃 23:27:50
@slack_pyhc_U0456G40VFZ:openastronomy.orgNick Murphy Posted in the US-RSE Slack: > The OpenPlanetary Space Software Index will be a reference for software that is specifically useful to spacecraft mission development and support, include data processing and research. > If you or your organization have created useful software relevant to the development or operation of spacecraft that you would like to publicize for potential wider use, or if you know of or use such software, then please tell us about it by filling out this form. 23:29:49

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