
Python in Heliophysics (PyHC)

325 Members
A room for collaborations in Python tools for all heliophysics http://heliopython.org25 Servers

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9 Sep 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Hey, all! Telecon happening right now. We’ll hear from Dan Brandt and Aaron Ridley on Executable Irradiance Models in PyHC. Zoom: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97372369069 15:01:56
11 Sep 2024
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie Barnum Latest round of PHEP 4 (PyHC Package Tiering) comments up, for those interested. 21:30:39
@slack_pyhc_U03UEAKKXU0:openastronomy.orgJulie BarnumRedacted or Malformed Event23:10:35

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