
FOSDEM network

181 Members
FOSDEM network | irc.libera.chat#fosdem-network | matrix #network:fosdem.org29 Servers

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4 Feb 2024
@kongr45gpen:attendees.fosdem.orgkongr45gpen changed their display name from [J] kongr45gpen to kongr45gpen.13:02:08
@blagovest:matrix.petrovs.infoBlagovest Petrovfyi, in K4, the AP is not giving dhcp addresses on "FOSDEM". Dualstack is working 14:48:07
@andrey.utkin:matrix.orgAndriy Utkin changed their display name from Andriy Utkin to Andriy Utkin @ Jansen.16:07:58
@andrey.utkin:matrix.orgAndriy Utkin changed their display name from Andriy Utkin @ Jansen to Andriy Utkin.17:42:28
@krokodilerian:fosdem.orgkrokodilerian changed their display name from [VOC]krokodilerian to krokodilerian.19:55:49
@colin:spakka.netColin Petrie joined the room.22:56:03
@timokoesters:fachschaften.orgTimo ⚡️ changed their display name from Timo ⚡️ (Sat&Sun at FOSDEM, DM me :) to Timo ⚡️.23:56:44
5 Feb 2024
@wouter.simons:matrix.orgwouter.simons Blagovest Petrov: sorry for the late reply, but yes that is expected , the FOSDEM ssid was ipv6 only , the dualstack was ipv4 and ipv6 08:58:48
@seejayer:matrix.domainepublic.netseejayerReferring to the selfless and collaborative contribution of a deaf person in projects like Wikipedia or Wiktionary, bringing their knowledge and expertise to the online signmunity. Minimum deaf-hearing pair with proficiency in LSFB/Belgian or knowledge of deaf and Belgian culture. In the midst of confusion, the shared linguistic handicap dissolves. Will, innovation, difference, and more certainly, the ability to perceive as strength what could be considered a weakness. 11:26:15
@seejayer:matrix.domainepublic.netseejayerDid you receive my previous messages?11:29:39
@wouter.simons:matrix.orgwouter.simonsNo I understand that , I understand that very well (have a few deaf people in my social circle) ... But this is the fosdem-network channel , to talk about issues with the Network-connectiona11:30:13
@wouter.simons:matrix.orgwouter.simonsConnections 11:30:20
@wouter.simons:matrix.orgwouter.simons I think you might want the #fosdem:fosdem.org channel 11:33:46
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@shin.ice:debian-adept.deShin.Ice seejayer: this isn't really the right channel for this topic. Would be nice if we could stick here to network and networking 😉 thank you. 14:19:21
@seejayer:matrix.domainepublic.netseejayerI search "french fosdem" ?14:20:19
@shin.ice:debian-adept.deShin.IceTopic here is cabling and connecting all inside/for the FOSDEM. Don‘t get me wrong please, it is an important topic but not in this room as it creates unnecessary noise.14:23:09
19 Feb 2024
@wouter.simons:matrix.orgwouter.simons changed their display name from wouter.simons to wouter.simons(might be slow respond here).16:16:12
23 Feb 2024
@thibaultmol:matrix.orgThibaultmol joined the room.10:19:53
2 Mar 2024
@wouter.simons:matrix.orgwouter.simons changed their display name from wouter.simons(might be slow respond here) to wouter.simons.09:54:42
13 Mar 2024
@arti:d0.ee@arti:d0.ee left the room.09:01:00
24 Mar 2024
@yuhl:matrix.org@yuhl:matrix.org left the room.07:19:13
@talleyrand-34:matrix.orgtalleyrand-34 changed their display name from talleryand-34 to talleyrand-34.21:07:33
12 May 2024
@shin.ice:fosdem.orgShin changed their display name from Shin.Ice @ FOSDEM to Shin.17:10:23
9 Jun 2024
@khufu:matrix.orgkhufu joined the room.09:56:15
10 Jun 2024
@nic:synod.imnic joined the room.10:27:42

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