

398 Members
For discussing on-chain and off-chain governance of the Tezos ecosystem. See http://bit.ly/2rkSiUY for room info. Personal attacks and threats are not allowed. Be kind, nice and thoughtful. : )14 Servers

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27 May 2019
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3)A long while ago, here in the Gov Chan, someone mentioned SwarmWise:21:10:36
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3) https://falkvinge.net/2013/02/14/swarmwise-the-tactical-manual-to-changing-the-world-chapter-one/ 21:10:49
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3)RL and I lately are exploring some material by Prof. Vili:21:11:14
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3) http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/policy/the-blockchain-paradox-why-distributed-ledger-technologies-may-do-little-to-transform-the-economy/ 21:11:17
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3)The Prof. also suggested:21:11:32
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3) https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm 21:11:35
@ArsenalUnicorn:matrix.orgArsenalUnicornNice, thanks23:02:58
28 May 2019
Download 123.png
@tezoshop:matrix.org@tezoshop:matrix.org✅ The first voting in the history of on changing the protocol of the blockchain Tezos "Athens" ends. We tried to show the whole community how bakers voted in each period. Tomorrow we will complete the last period and show you which bakers always voted and who did not attach any importance to this. We hope that this data will help you decide before you delegate authority to this or that baker to bake for you. For convenience, we added the ability to sort out the bakers by the number of roll. We also marked some bakers with the ⭐️TOP label - we recommend them for to the delegation in the first place. The results of the voting of public bakers can always be seen here: https://tezoshop.art/vote07:10:44
30 May 2019
@bettertogether:matrix.orgbettertogetherGuys... https://www.condorcet.vote/12:43:33
@bettertogether:matrix.orgbettertogetherCheck out the examples on the bottom right12:49:31
@bettertogether:matrix.orgbettertogetherThere is one for "Brexit"12:49:42
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3) bettertogether: Start a Condorset when the first phase starts, see who participates. 15:39:57
@Zero-Hour-Zulu:matrix.orgZero-Hour-Zulu (CFDocHash 08c3...6ba3)I think the easies way to get a high SNR signal on voting in each phase is to offer a 100 Tez prize (at the end of each phase) to a randomly chosen winner among people who cast a vote with their key. I think people will do crazy things for 100 Tez. Seems like a cheap way to get a signal. 15:42:07
31 May 2019
@falcon_80:matrix.orgKasper | Newroad Network changed their display name from falcon_80 to NewRoad.10:05:58
@falcon_80:matrix.orgKasper | Newroad Network set a profile picture.10:06:09
@falcon_80:matrix.orgKasper | Newroad Network changed their display name from NewRoad to Kasper | NewRoad.15:31:00
@tzdutch:matrix.org@tzdutch:matrix.org changed their display name from tzdutch.com to Bob - TzDutch | ChainLayer.15:35:10
1 Jun 2019
@tezosnola:matrix.orgtezosnola set a profile picture.16:47:32
@bettertogether:matrix.orgbettertogetherYes, I agree: the process needs to be Pavlov-ified. That's the only way to get it working.20:42:51
4 Jun 2019
@bettertogether:matrix.orgbettertogetherQuoting p. 33 of https://docplayer.net/83081680-Framework-for-democratic-governance-of-distributed-architectures.html Tezos governance: vote is law and code 19 . Tezos is a distributed virtual machine similar to ethereum, but introduces a key new variable. It does so, precisely, on the plane of governance. It includes an on -chain mechanism that opens the possibility for anyone to amend the protocol rules. This surely is a key jump because it implies to connect the plane of infrastructural governance with that of technopolitical governance, the application of the system rules allow to change those rules. Furthermore, it includes rewards for distributed protocol development (on top of the classical ones for building consensus around the block chain). This addresses several problems: first and foremost, the concentration of decision -making around technocratic actors such as core developers or even miners. Incentives for new developers (or bug finders, or other contributors) and, furthermore, it does so following a decentralized system. Such a system is interesting because it shifts power towards users and away from the more centralized group of developers and miners. On the developer side, anyone can submit a change, and most importantly, everyone has an economic incentive to do it. Contributions are rewarded by the community with newly minted tokens through inflation funding. This shifts from the current Bitcoin and Ethereum dynamics where a new developer has little incentive to evolve the protoc ol, thus power tends to concentrate amongst the existing developers, to one where everyone has equal earning power. This also enables users to directly coordinate on-chain, dramatically increasing their power and reducing the power of miners compared to a system like Bitcoin or Ethereum. On top of that, Tezos smart contracts that define constitutions for given organizations. allows to define. “Tezos tokens not only power smart contracts in the network, but also allow votes on protocol amendments”.08:20:52
6 Jun 2019
@frabrunelle:matrix.org@frabrunelle:matrix.org changed their display name from Francis Brunelle to frabrunelle.20:45:31
9 Jun 2019
@jamesa6505:matrix.orgfearbrigade changed their display name from jamesa6505 to fearbrigade.14:40:42
12 Jun 2019
@oppositerevolution:matrix.org@oppositerevolution:matrix.org joined the room.17:30:36
@oppositerevolution:matrix.org@oppositerevolution:matrix.org left the room.17:32:02
@oppositerevolution:tzchat.orgO.R. joined the room.17:39:04
@johann:tzchat.orgjohann joined the room.17:41:41
@chuks:tzchat.orgchuks joined the room.17:46:25

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