
/rdp/ - Real Deleuzian Philosophy

322 Members
Righteous Dragon Pseudoscience - Only the Mind escapes the near-future. ₣ 尺 ∑ ∑ rape debate poop room based upon quasi-memetic irony robot political vaginalysts. Crusade and pick your side in the eternal dialectic struggle between capitalism and Dykonomics! Chatroom battle royale! By entering this room you consent to giving consent. rules: 1. breed the superior Übermutt 2. be polite 3. shoot freaks and dump them in a filthy ditch 4. Vaxxnigger Cattle will be led to greener pastures. 5. The schizophrenic experience is the sweet sacred honey from the logical temple of the skull of the Real 6. believe or face the platonic wall, the dancing shadows of charcoal, to paint a new reality yourself, until the sunken cost de-predicizes you 7. SHIT fuck cum poop sex 8. assimil8 or die 10. all the decadence of sexis10ce will be forgotten with tenough novelty (have sex with your sister). By leaving this room you concede neo-vaginas to be your religion of choice.92 Servers

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23 Jul 2024
Download IMG_20240723_231554_077.jpg
@planetoryd:matrix.orgplein @[Snowie Q.] talk 15:26:31
@planetoryd:matrix.orgpleinstart talking schizofuck15:26:43
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Hello17:47:06
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.I don't understand why you talk like that17:58:49
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Lol17:58:52
@huskers_19:matrix.orgFibersplicer joined the room.18:25:42
24 Jul 2024
@himmler910:sibnsk.net@himmler910:sibnsk.net left the room.18:35:53
@prae666:matrix.imprae666🗡️☘️ changed their profile picture.18:43:48
@prae666:matrix.imprae666🗡️☘️ changed their profile picture.18:44:18
25 Jul 2024
@yo64:matrix.org@yo64:matrix.org joined the room.08:39:51
@yo64:matrix.org@yo64:matrix.org left the room.08:48:16
26 Jul 2024
@charlieboi415:hashi.sbscharlieboi415 joined the room.12:52:27
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd9pmPrpFtM17:16:41
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t84meXJs8Ac18:47:40
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV1zBp_Zv2E18:52:36
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_7ZxRvu27I18:53:17
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q. plein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnccD7E_UcQ 19:00:05
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Hi Friend19:08:48
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LABI20peTHg19:14:17
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Denggao19:15:26
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.Looks like no one talks beyond me20:04:54
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.That's good20:05:02
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.
In reply to @prae666:eientei.org
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.They act tough now, then when they tag you, they expect you forgetting their behavior21:14:03
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.ChrkXEvqTyBwuxTZngZvVAdR.jpg
Download ChrkXEvqTyBwuxTZngZvVAdR.jpg
In reply to @snowiecrash:matrix.org
They act tough now, then when they tag you, they expect you forgetting their behavior
too true
In reply to @snowiecrash:matrix.org
sent an image.
and who is that fine girl??? i wonder
@snowiecrash:matrix.orgSnowie Q.
In reply to @prae666:eientei.org
and who is that fine girl??? i wonder
Max Plein

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