
XAGA Community

771 Members
2 Servers

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13 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org left the room.10:22:11
18 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org joined the room.14:17:48
@memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org left the room.14:17:52
@telegram_6333460089:t2bot.ioVlad changed their display name from Vlad🍃🌤 to Vlad🌊☀.17:48:28
23 Jun 2024
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org joined the room.01:07:44
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org left the room.01:07:46
27 Jun 2024
@telegram_5661166621:t2bot.ioorigin changed their display name from originxc to origin.00:30:29
@telegram_5661166621:t2bot.ioorigin set a profile picture.00:30:32
3 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.19:11:05
4 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.12:05:28
@telegram_766816777:t2bot.ioHEROMASTER changed their display name from SECRET STUDIO™(Mobile Game DEV) to SECRET DEV™.22:03:56
5 Jul 2024
@telegram_1659794424:t2bot.ioMidnight 9 changed their profile picture.13:20:52
7 Jul 2024
@telegram_5880494723:t2bot.ioAjoy set a profile picture.14:59:18
@telegram_1381345248:t2bot.io changed their display name from SHIVA SHAKTI to 黒 白.17:05:25
@telegram_1465450038:t2bot.ioYervant changed their profile picture.17:33:01
8 Jul 2024
@telegram_1381345248:t2bot.io changed their display name from 黒 白 to ☯.04:09:01
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.19:31:13
9 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.13:27:18
10 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.17:20:11
11 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.16:15:11
13 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.20:52:14
14 Jul 2024
@telegram_619439025:t2bot.iofatman changed their display name from Evil Morty to fatman.11:42:06
@telegram_619439025:t2bot.iofatman changed their profile picture.11:42:15
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.14:05:26
17 Jul 2024
@telegram_6125106646:t2bot.iog yc changed their display name from g yc3101 to g yc.15:00:44
19 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.08:13:45
20 Jul 2024
@telegram_5425460828:t2bot.ioFish Crumbs changed their display name from 只想溜号 的屑鱼 to Fish Crumbs.15:03:21
21 Jul 2024
@telegram_5592169065:t2bot.ioTejas.local changed their profile picture.11:48:33
22 Jul 2024
@telegram_6333460089:t2bot.ioVlad changed their display name from Vlad🌊☀ to Vlad.20:58:31
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_766816777:t2bot.ioHEROMASTER changed their display name from SECRET DEV™ to HEROMASTER.16:57:12

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