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29 Mar 2024
@rktjmp:matrix.orgSoupwhat error does it give you?07:16:53
  [:ecto, :ecto_sql, :ecto3_mnesia, :kino, :kino_db]
defmodule MyApp.Repo do
  use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :my_app, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Mnesia
Kino.start_child({MyApp.Repo, []})
 {%ArgumentError{message: "unknown application: :my_app"},
    {Application, :app_dir, 1, [file: ~c"lib/application.ex", line: 1010]},
    {Application, :app_dir, 2, [file: ~c"lib/application.ex", line: 1037]},
    {Ecto.Adapters.Mnesia.Config, :set_path, 1,
     [file: ~c"lib/ecto/adapters/mnesia/config.ex", line: 39]},
    {Ecto.Adapters.Mnesia.Config, :new, 1, [file: ~c"lib/ecto/adapters/mnesia/config.ex", line: 10]},
    {Ecto.Adapters.Mnesia, :init, 1, [file: ~c"lib/ecto/adapters/mnesia.ex", line: 66]},
    {Ecto.Repo.Supervisor, :init, 1, [file: ~c"lib/ecto/repo/supervisor.ex", line: 185]},
    {:supervisor, :init, 1, [file: ~c"supervisor.erl", line: 330]},
    {:gen_server, :init_it, 2, [file: ~c"gen_server.erl", line: 962]}
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00trThe same code but for Postgres works fine14:18:53
@rktjmp:matrix.orgSoupYou should try asking on the elixir forum perhaps. Perhaps the postgres adapater is a bit less hooked into OTP compared to mnesia which might make sense, and so it agrees to run even if the otp app given isn't actually running. 16:12:58
@rktjmp:matrix.orgSoupNot sure how to start an application with a specific atom name, normally thats done in the mix.exs file16:13:21
@rktjmp:matrix.orgSoupnormally the "app name" is given in the mix.exs file * 16:13:35
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00trIt seems that a proper Mix project has to be created first with a DB schema and running mix ecto.create and only then the live book can be attached to this application and use the db :(( .. which requires a shell and cannot be done solely in livebook16:42:56
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00trecto sqlite seems to be the way to go.. it's running no problem.. mnesia is probably obsolete23:58:15
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00tr * ecto sqlite seems to be the way to go.. it's running no problem.. mnesia is probably obsolete and defunct23:58:35
30 Mar 2024
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00tr * ecto sqlite seems to be the way to go.. it's running no problem.. ecto mnesia support is probably obsolete and defunct15:53:48
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00trIs it possible to unset/destroy a module?15:55:36
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00tr * Is it possible to undefine/unset/destroy a module?15:55:53
In reply to @b00tr:matrix.org
Is it possible to undefine/unset/destroy a module?
https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/code#delete-1 and purge/soft_purge do something like that
In reply to @Nicd-:matrix.org
https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/code#delete-1 and purge/soft_purge do something like that
thank you!
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00trNow I can change NIFs at runtime in livebook without problems :)22:02:32
31 Mar 2024
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00trwow.. so I finally put together pure Elixir script that computes histograms for 56k files at 2GB in 15 seconds. no NIFs.. thats really cool04:09:11
@kshlm:matrix.orgkshlm changed their display name from kshlm to kshlm (Old).04:13:57
@rktjmp:matrix.orgSoupwhats your plan for 10s?04:14:27
@kshlm:matrix.orgkshlm invited @kshlm:matrix.kshlm.xyz@kshlm:matrix.kshlm.xyz.04:25:25
@kshlm:matrix.kshlm.xyz@kshlm:matrix.kshlm.xyz joined the room.04:25:49
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00tryeah. I have to really understand how to control paralellism in Flow .. and perhaps a NIF for the histogram compute...04:32:13
@kshlm:matrix.orgkshlm changed their display name from kshlm (Old) to kshlm.04:33:02
@kshlm:matrix.kshlm.xyz@kshlm:matrix.kshlm.xyz left the room.04:35:36

I'm trying to use the Memento library to store data in Mnesia... unfortunately I get errors when trying to create a table

[error: {:bad_type, Hipdster.Auth.User, {:index, [{2, :ordered}]}}]
@shreyan:beeper.comshreyan *

I'm trying to use the Memento library to store data in Mnesia... unfortunately I get errors when trying to create a table

[error: {:bad_type, Hipdster.Auth.User, {:index, [{2, :ordered}]}}]
@maulik1:matrix.orgmaulik1 joined the room.12:35:54
In reply to @shreyan:beeper.com

I'm trying to use the Memento library to store data in Mnesia... unfortunately I get errors when trying to create a table

[error: {:bad_type, Hipdster.Auth.User, {:index, [{2, :ordered}]}}]
I have no clue but I would start from an example that works and incrementally add complexity to achieve your goal. On the way you find the bug.

This example works fine for me

defmodule Blog.Post do
  use Memento.Table,
    attributes: [:id, :title, :content, :status, :author_id],
    index: [:status, :author_id],
    type: :ordered_set,
    autoincrement: true

  # You can also define other methods
  # or helper functions in the module
@b00tr:matrix.orgb00tr *

This example works fine for me

defmodule Blog.Post do
  use Memento.Table,
    attributes: [:id, :title, :content, :status, :author_id],
    index: [:status, :author_id],
    type: :ordered_set,
    autoincrement: true

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