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25 Dec 2023
@omegalogos:matrix.orgomegalogoswhats going to happen to those who dont get the message ..will they be locked out16:53:45
@cannonsanders:matrix.orgCannon Sanders MrRho (Господин Ро): were we hacked? 16:54:28
@revradio:matrix.orgRevRadioLink will stay up indefinite - links on home page will change. No one will be left or locked out unless specifically banned or muted in the new room.16:54:36
@mrrho:matrix.orgMrRho (Господин Ро)NO WE WERE NOT HACKED!! LOL16:54:51
@cannonsanders:matrix.orgCannon SandersWhy a new room?16:55:13
@omegalogos:matrix.orgomegalogosi still dont understand the reasons why we need more functionality ... whats the technical issues on the back end ... this room is working fine as is as far as i can tell right now16:55:48
@cannonsanders:matrix.orgCannon SandersMerry Christmas all you hopeful happy patriots16:56:03
@omegalogos:matrix.orgomegalogoswere going to lose access to the entire history of RR chat16:56:58
@mrrho:matrix.orgMrRho (Господин Ро)We have some limits and we need to expand, we have a few tech issues that need to be addressed. I am not going to explain the tech crap its long and boring and we are getting better functions. When this was created there were things overlooked and we do not currently have our own independent SPACE. this is transparent to users. dont make a big deal - we have moved several time in the past.16:57:26
@omegalogos:matrix.orgomegalogosfine... ima against it ..but fine 😒16:58:54