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16 Apr 2024
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Sage | ❄> In that case, wouldn't you be wanting Box<MyStruct<dyn MyTrait>>? 17:44:26
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> No, because a given instance of the struct owns a concrete implementation of MyTrait 17:45:02
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> Maybe this can make clearer what I'm wanting here. The enum version is like this:
enum CollectionShapes {
T(Shape ),
R(Shape ),
C(Shape )

impl Perimiter for CollectionShapes {
fn perimeter(&self) -> f32 {
match self {
CollectionShapes::T(T) => T.perimeter(),
CollectionShapes::R(R) => R.perimeter(),
CollectionShapes::C(C) => C.perimeter(),

@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo>
let foo: Vec<CollectionShapes> = vec!(C::T(Shape {inner: Triangle::new()}), C::R(Shape {inner: Rectangle::new()}), C::C(Shape {inner: Circle::new()}));
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> So like, Shape<Triangle> and Shape<Rectangle> are concrete 18:01:10
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> but I want a box that knows it has a Shape but the generic is unspecified 18:02:18
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> but I want a Box that knows it has a Shape but the generic is unspecified 18:02:23
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> I want a Box that knows it has a Shape but the generic is unspecified 18:02:38
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> I want, for instance, Shape<Triangle> to be dynamically dispatched to the Box that knows it will have a Shape but not what kind of Shape 18:05:21
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [telegram] <Swift110> That's cool. Too bad I'm in the DC area (re @FOSS@RIT Bridge: [discord] The...) 18:06:25
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> Wow
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [irc] <xbot1313> Title: The Biggest Lie In HTML - YouTube 22:21:00
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> So apparently in html, there isn't actually self closing tag syntax. Some tags are just self closing and some are not. 22:22:27
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> So apparently in html, there isn't actually self closing tag syntax. Some tags are just self closing with or without the end slash, and some are not. 22:22:53
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> Except for in svg tags, where self closing works like xml 22:23:24
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> Web standards are so wack 22:24:13
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> I really wonder if at some point, thanks partly to almost every website using tooling that compiles to the old standards, the standards will be able to shift underneath the tooling and all everyone has to do is recompile 22:25:19
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> I really wonder if at some point, thanks partly to almost every website using tooling that compiles to the old standards, the standards will be able to shift underneath the tooling, and then the tooling will update, and all everyone has to do is recompile 22:25:44
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Nathan Petrangelo> Probably not though 22:26:05
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Adrian Edwards (CS/FOSS minor)> sorta see also: XML/HTML is not a regular language 22:27:43
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Adrian Edwards (CS/FOSS minor)> like it cant be parsed just with regex 22:27:49
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [telegram] <Seth> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1732348/regex-match-open-tags-except-xhtml-self-contained-tags#1732454 22:54:10
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Adrian Edwards (CS/FOSS minor)> this was the post i was thinking of when i said that lol 22:58:02
17 Apr 2024
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Adrian Edwards (CS/FOSS minor)> news thing to share with the bridge: crowd.dev got acquired by Linux Foundation: https://www.crowd.dev/post/crowd-dev-acquired-by-the-linux-foundation 16:43:04
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [irc] <xbot1313> Title: crowd.dev acquired by the Linux Foundation 16:43:06
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <Adrian Edwards (CS/FOSS minor)> (this is the people behind projects like opensourcealternative.to, ossjobs.dev, OSS investors lists, https://analyzemyrepo.com/, etc) 16:43:36
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [irc] <xbot1313> Title: 404: This page could not be found 16:43:39
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <.spubby> thanks xbot 21:52:33
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [irc] <xbot1313> @.spubby: You're welcome! ^_^ 21:52:35
18 Apr 2024
@fossrit_bridge:matrix.orgfossrit_bridge [discord] <abigailjc> Balanced parentheses aren't a regular language so I feel like that statement doesn't say much 03:15:52

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