
Commodore Amiga

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19 Oct 2023
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessEra sounds darker than Enigma20:44:21
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessWe gotta admit that datkness is part of this world...20:45:25
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointless...so why not Era?20:45:47
21 Oct 2023
@helvedeshunden:matrix.orgHelvedeshundenWhat can you do while you are stuck in there Pointless? Do you have an outdoors area or is it just a private and a common area?12:08:20
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessSmoke outside every whole hour12:10:18
@helvedeshunden:matrix.orgHelvedeshundenYou have the chance to get fresh air and you choose to breathe through a stick? Sheesh ;)12:13:01
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessYes offcourse12:18:47
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessI am well12:19:42
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessI was imho well for 10 weeks now and counting12:20:22
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessThe devil of a skrink doesn't agree12:21:17
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessAlmost the whole of teh staff agrees with me12:22:08
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessBut devil shrink Steinar Nilsen first said 'in teh end of October'!12:23:52
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessNow he says 'before xmas'12:24:26
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@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessI really dunno if I can survive another 2 months here12:26:20
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessStaff makes me crazy12:26:55
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessTrue too!12:27:10
@helvedeshunden:matrix.orgHelvedeshunden That sucks, man. 13:16:31
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessSure does14:20:06
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessI can survive 2 more months14:20:37
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessBut fear insanity will catch me14:21:09
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessMy hope and faith still lies in teh good Lord14:21:53
@pointless:chat.pcvakta.nopointlessJesus Christ14:22:10

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