
Matrix Discord Bridge

358 Members
Discussion room for the Discord Bridge | Current Version: v3.1.1 - https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-discord/releases/tag/v3.1.1 | https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-discord | If you are using t2bot.io, please ask in #help:t2bot.io | Currently being tested on https://discord.gg/ZEg4CNN 148 Servers

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22 Jun 2024
@transcaffeine:finallycoffee.eutranscaffeine removed their display name Johanna Dorothea Reichmann.18:06:57
@transcaffeine:finallycoffee.eutranscaffeine set their display name to transcaffeine.18:20:42
23 Jun 2024
@tomodachi94:matrix.orgTomodachi94 changed their display name from Tomo to Tomodachi94.02:24:32

I updated my synapse and now I get this every time it starts. I messed around with the appservice config but nothing made a difference. I also couldn't find any issues with it, am I missing something silly?

Jun-23 20:04:23.851 [DiscordAS] error: A fatal error occurred during startup: Error: Expected user namespace to be a prefix
    at new Appservice (/node_modules/matrix-bot-sdk/lib/appservice/Appservice.js:86:19)
    at /src/discordas.ts:154:24
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at /build/src/discordas.js:8:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (/build/src/discordas.js:4:12)
    at run (/build/src/discordas.js:109:12)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/src/discordas.ts:215:1)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
28 Jun 2024
@gigadoc2:revreso.deGD2 changed their display name from Gigadoc 2 to GD2.04:24:33
29 Jun 2024
@raymand1992:matrix.orgRayManD changed their profile picture.19:48:40
30 Jun 2024
@backthr0w:conduit.gianluccapirovano.combackthr0w ⚡️ joined the room.04:11:20
3 Jul 2024
@kelk:matrix.org@kelk:matrix.org left the room.18:47:08
4 Jul 2024
@hellbeast:catgirl.cloudRegalia joined the room.03:46:52
@hellbeast:catgirl.cloudRegaliaHey, is this project still alive? Scrolling up from the history, I'm seeing plenty of untriaged issues, develop hasn't been touched since 10 months now, there's plenty of creature comforts that could be implemented to make bridging better but it seems like upstream has been dead for a while.03:48:15
@hellbeast:catgirl.cloudRegaliaCurrently in the hell of trying to bridge a Discord and Matrix space together, this could really require some fixes and upstream, we switched to out-of-your-element but it just recently broke03:49:12
@hellbeast:catgirl.cloudRegaliaIt'd be nice to at the very least see an acknowledgement about the situation03:49:53
@jlh:jlh.name@jlh:jlh.name joined the room.23:29:09
5 Jul 2024
@jlh:jlh.name@jlh:jlh.name left the room.10:42:59
@ihor:noleron.comсірий кітик changed their display name from Ігор to сірий кітик.19:08:48
@homebeach:matrix.orghomebeach try #discord:maunium.net 20:47:55
@hellbeast:catgirl.cloudRegaliaYeah, I'll have to check it out sometime20:48:51
@hellbeast:catgirl.cloudRegaliaJust unfortunate situation overall20:48:57
6 Jul 2024
@hookshot:element.iohookshot 📥 tinaxd created new issue matrix-org/matrix-appservice-discord#920: "Crash when activity.type is undefined" 11:57:20
7 Jul 2024
@hookshot:element.iohookshot 📥 freema11oc created new issue matrix-org/matrix-appservice-discord#921: "One way bot" 00:50:14
11 Jul 2024
@emreyilmaz:matrix.orgemreyilmaz joined the room.11:43:19
@emreyilmaz:matrix.orgemreyilmazHello I need some help in bridging to discord11:44:45
12 Jul 2024
@ben:rs485.networkBen joined the room.12:32:41
14 Jul 2024
@justhm228:matrix.org@justhm228:matrix.org joined the room.18:16:22
@justhm228:matrix.org@justhm228:matrix.org left the room.18:39:21
16 Jul 2024
@luc:le-noctalien.nohost.meAlain 11:30:49
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.12:25:17
23 Jul 2024
@hookshot:element.iohookshot 🔵 MRAAGH opened a new PR matrix-org/matrix-appservice-discord#922: "mention Message Content Intent" 22:00:35
@luc:le-noctalien.nohost.meAlain changed their display name from Luc to Alain.22:02:33
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:16:24

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