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26 Mar 2024
@mello_:matrix.orgrafael Mello
In reply to @spacehitchhiker42:matrix.org
Has anybody been able to use the mksocfpga with the ebaz4205 board?
Not that I know, but the ebax4205 uses the same SOC as the microzed (7010), so you could fork the microzed and customize the pin out for your board.
8 Apr 2024
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.16:26:18
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.16:26:19
9 Apr 2024
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.08:46:24
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.08:46:25
19 Apr 2024
@nightybrowser:matrix.orgwatcher cerna: hi. If you do not need this room more could you give an admin to me? 13:38:27
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.13:38:32
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.13:38:32
@nightybrowser:matrix.orgwatcher * cerna: hi. If you do not need this room more could you give an admin rights to me? 13:38:42
20 Apr 2024
@jamwaffles:matrix.org@jamwaffles:matrix.org left the room.09:55:17
21 Apr 2024
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org joined the room.02:54:23
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org left the room.02:54:23
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.17:03:14
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.17:03:14
23 Apr 2024
@cmcquinn:matrix.orgcmcquinn left the room.02:15:43
24 Apr 2024
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org joined the room.09:43:56
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org left the room.09:43:56
29 Apr 2024
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org joined the room.06:46:21
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org left the room.06:46:21
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org joined the room.13:40:53
@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org@_oftc_KimK:matrix.org left the room.13:40:54
11 May 2024
@broke:matrix.org@broke:matrix.org left the room.11:33:07
15 May 2024
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.02:49:23
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.02:49:23
18 May 2024
@_oftc_kevin_:matrix.org@_oftc_kevin_:matrix.org joined the room.02:04:48
@_oftc_kevin_:matrix.org@_oftc_kevin_:matrix.org left the room.02:04:49
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.06:32:02
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.06:32:02
1 Jun 2024
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ joined the room.23:37:26
@_snoonet_ChanServ:matrix.orgChanServ left the room.23:37:26

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