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26 Jul 2024
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirdo you know what rule that was13:12:49
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirbecause it just posted the servers in the room13:12:57
In reply to @morguwuldir:uwu.sulian.eu
the admin room is pretty powerful depending on what remote access you need
I'm running queries on the database for multiple reasons. It ranges from having statistics about our rooms to analyzing, detecting and alerting about unusual or malicious behavior within our rooms.
In reply to @morguldir:sulian.eu
because it just posted the servers in the room
Yes, it was the last server on the list, which contained the word "xanax".
In reply to @morguldir:sulian.eu
you can join rooms again even if you drop the database
Was that fixed? Synapse FAQ - I have a problem with my server. Can I just delete my database and start again?
@morguwuldir:uwu.sulian.eumorguwuldir 🏳️‍⚧️i don't recall an issue like that ever existing to be honest 🤔13:42:52
@morguwuldir:uwu.sulian.eumorguwuldir 🏳️‍⚧️but i do agree that dropping your synapse db won't help much13:43:03
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelYeah, when I was more active in the synapse admin room, every couple of weeks someone joined and asked for help because they dropped their database for whatever reason.13:56:07
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichael *

Yeah, when I was more active in the synapse admin room, every couple of weeks someone joined and asked for help because they dropped their database for whatever reason. Exactly that happened, what the FAQ describes.

For example: other servers might think that you are in a room, your server will think that you are not, and you'll probably be unable to interact with that room in a sensible way ever again.

@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelOccasionally, I still get requests from users asking if I could kick them from our rooms because they can't join again.14:03:20
@defnull:matrix.cccgoe.dedefnullI left the python room with my defnull.de account this morning and I'm still in the room according to this account. It's a mess. 14:05:37
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelDid you "forget" the room?14:07:09
@defnull:matrix.cccgoe.dedefnullNo, I clicked "Verlassen" (leave) in Element.14:07:44
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelAfter you leave a room, the room should still be in your room list, but at the very bottom. From there you should be able to "forget" it.14:09:53
@defnull:matrix.cccgoe.dedefnullI was just able to re-join the room. But now element warns me I'm the only one left in the room when I try to leave again. 14:11:02
@morguwuldir:uwu.sulian.eumorguwuldir 🏳️‍⚧️
In reply to @michael:michaelsasser.org
After you leave a room, the room should still be in your room list, but at the very bottom. From there you should be able to "forget" it.
they removed this button haha
@morguwuldir:uwu.sulian.eumorguwuldir 🏳️‍⚧️in element14:13:57
@defnull:matrix.cccgoe.dedefnullI left again, but this time not via the button in the room list (left side) but via the room info sidebar on the right side. And that worked.14:14:53
@defnull:matrix.cccgoe.dedefnullThose two buttons should do the same, they are labeled the same (A door icon and "Verlassen" (leave)) but ... ehh, whatever.14:15:38
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelYeah, I don't see the account in the room anymore.14:16:00
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelBut even if, you can kick yourself from your mod account.14:16:53
In reply to @morguwuldir:uwu.sulian.eu
they removed this button haha
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelSomeone always forgot to do that and the server kept the room in the database.14:18:59
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldiroh it’s not like that..14:19:36
@morguldir:sulian.eumorguldirthey just removed the button so you can’t forget it in the client anymore14:20:00
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichaelBut it seems to drop the user count to 0 now (at least on an unfederated room). So it should be picked up for deletion.14:25:07
@brenbarn:matrix.orgBrenBarnany time a FAQ says "you will be unable to ... ever again" it's hair-raising17:24:45
27 Jul 2024
@michael:michaelsasser.orgMichael * But it seems to drop the user count to 0 now (at least on an unfederated room). So it should be picked up for deletion. //edit: yes, the room was purged automatically05:23:55

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