
Haskell Tooling

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11 Mar 2024
@fendor:matrix.orgfendor Also, don't be afraid to be creative with coming up with your own ideas, they may be more feasible than what's proposed on the ideas page 18:47:33
@veninf:matrix.orgVenInfOk, got it, thank you! I will try to make a PoC solution of one of the points, and will create a PR. The next messages I will send to a proper channel.19:14:18
@fendor:matrix.orgfendor no worries, I am just worried no one responds on this channel :) 19:36:32
12 Mar 2024
@jinser:envs.netjinser joined the room.00:56:39
@veninf:matrix.orgVenInf *

Hello everyone!
I was trying to tackle the proposal for the HSoC, and I faced some questions.
I would appreciate, if you help me out with them.

  1. The description asks for

Prompt to add unknown modules to exposed-modules and other-modules sections

But as far as I know, if you fall back to a working extension version, it is already implemented.

  1. Completion of package version bounds
    I wonder to what extent it should implemented?
    If the end goal is to get the auto completion of a package, and a lookup of an available versions,
    it will make this task considerably harder. At least it has to relay on some interface, to receive this information.
    (Like this one, mentioned in the cabal security checking [proposal](cabal-install security vulnerability checking))
  2. The same concern comes with the tasks, that connected to the documentation for stanzas and the keywords.
    Is there any source, where this information can be obtained? Or is creating one is a part of the task as well?

Thank you in advance.

@veninf:matrix.orgVenInf *

Hello everyone!
I was trying to tackle the proposal for the HSoC, and I faced some questions.
I would appreciate, if you help me out with them.

  1. The description asks for

Prompt to add unknown modules to exposed-modules and other-modules sections

But as far as I know, if you fall back to a working extension version, it is already implemented.

  1. Completion of package version bounds
    I wonder to what extent it should implemented?
    If the end goal is to get the auto completion of a package, and a lookup of an available versions,
    it will make this task considerably harder. At least it has to relay on some interface, to receive this information.
    (Like this one, mentioned in the cabal security checking proposal )
  2. The same concern comes with the tasks, that connected to the documentation for stanzas and the keywords.
    Is there any source, where this information can be obtained? Or is creating one is a part of the task as well?

Thank you in advance.

15 Mar 2024

Posted this to Haskell, but it probably belongs here:

Could somebody please point me at the URL of the GHC-9.8.2 User Guide? Unfortunately, docs web site gives only online pages.

16 Mar 2024
@mouse009:matrix.orgmouse009 *

Posted this to Haskell, but it probably belongs here:

Could somebody please point me at the URL of the GHC-9.8.2 User Guide in PDF format? Unfortunately, docs web site gives only online pages, and, contrary to suggestion somebody gave a while ago, GHC tarball doesn't contain the PDF - only HTML.

In reply to @mouse009:matrix.org

Posted this to Haskell, but it probably belongs here:

Could somebody please point me at the URL of the GHC-9.8.2 User Guide in PDF format? Unfortunately, docs web site gives only online pages, and, contrary to suggestion somebody gave a while ago, GHC tarball doesn't contain the PDF - only HTML.

I think the only people who can answer are in #GHC:matrix.org
17 Mar 2024

Issue/question with Cabal- If I feed flag --lib to cabal init my-proj, it only creates subdirectories src/ with Lib.hs and test/Main.hs (or test/Spec.hs if I ask for it). But not app/Main.hs and no executable section in .cabal file.

It only creates app/Main.hs when I explicitly state --exe after --lib. In which case, neither src/Lib.hs nor library section of .cabal are created.

I notice that Stack behaves correctly in this context, creating templates for executable, library, and tests.

Would be nice to get this fixed.

@acidalia:matrix.orgHécate mouse009: got a ticket for this? 23:51:47
18 Mar 2024
@xrvdg:matrix.orgxrvdg joined the room.09:17:05
In reply to @acidalia:matrix.org
mouse009: got a ticket for this?
No, not yet. But reproducing is trivial.
20 Mar 2024
@fendor:matrix.orgfendor set a profile picture.09:27:01
22 Mar 2024
@shapr:cofree.coffeeshapr joined the room.18:22:45
23 Mar 2024
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphere Is there a good reason why cabal doesn't support uninstalling?

I tried out sdl2 then I decided that I hate gui programming, so I tried to remove it. I ended up confused and removed ~/.cabal (silly me) and then reinstalling the entire toolstack. 🤣
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphere Is there a good reason why cabal doesn't support uninstalling?

I tried out sdl2 then I decided that I hate gui programming, so I tried to remove it.
I ended up confused and removed ~/.cabal (silly me) and then reinstalling the entire toolstack. 🤣
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphereRedacted or Malformed Event08:56:04
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécate irregularsphere: yeah because it's not a package manager :P 08:56:57
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécatebut we could, we could08:57:05
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphereI wish.08:57:11
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphereAh... 200MB of internet down the drain...08:57:49
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécate irregularsphere: you're one ticket away on the cabal tracker from making this happen 08:57:54
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphereFrom my story?08:58:08
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécate irregularsphere: yeah bring it up: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/new 08:58:55
In reply to@irregularsphere:matrix.org
From my story?
PS: I have little to none IT experience than simply using Linux
@irregularsphere:matrix.orgirregularsphere* PS: I have little to none IT experience than simply using Linux (and writing Java game mods from here and there)08:59:50
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécateI'm not asking you for one08:59:54
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécatejust open a ticket, say why it's problematic09:00:28
In reply to@acidalia:matrix.org
just open a ticket, say why it's problematic
Tough decision.

I looked around and:
  1. There already is a solution for Stack (stack uninstall's instructions) but it's a bit tedious and there's basically no way to autoremove packages (just like in apt)

  2. There's the cabal-uninstall tool but I'm not sure if it works - on my setup it tried to uninstall the mtl-2.2.2 version (found in ~/.ghcup/ghc/9.4.8/lib/ghc-9.4.8/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.4.8/) I suppose?

  3. There's the sandboxing functionality, but cabal sandbox doesn't seem to exist on my system.

  4. There's already a closed issue about this.


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