
Haskell Tooling

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28 Jun 2024
@f-a:tchncs.de@f-a:tchncs.de joined the room.18:33:44
@f-a:tchncs.de@f-a:tchncs.de Pleased to announce cabal-install- has been released! https://discourse.haskell.org/t/cabal-install-3-12-1-0-and-accompanying-libraries-released/9830 18:34:13
1 Jul 2024
@f-a:tchncs.de@f-a:tchncs.de left the room.22:08:07
7 Jul 2024
@mouse009:matrix.orgmouse009 Cabal- has a regression (fails to search `hs-source-dirs:` for non-Haskell main). Is there any chance to see a new release that fixes it? Say, 02:31:15
8 Jul 2024
@zzantares:matrix.orgHamlet'sPiedPlumber changed their display name from zzantares to demo-reset.06:00:24
@zzantares:matrix.orgHamlet'sPiedPlumber removed their profile picture.06:00:32
9 Jul 2024
@sss1222:matrix.orgsss1222 joined the room.09:25:21
10 Jul 2024
@zzantares:matrix.orgHamlet'sPiedPlumber changed their display name from demo-reset to Hamlet'sPiedPlumber.23:02:29
12 Jul 2024

cc-ing here FYI: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/MicroCabal (for MicroHs)

This repository contains a reimplementation of a subset of Cabal. Why a reimplementation? Because Cabal is not a Haskell tool, it is a ghc tool. A Haskell tool should be compilable by an implementation of Haskell2010, which Cabal is definitely not. The implementation assumes a Unix-like system with commands like wget and tar. To get a consistent set of packages MicroCabal uses Stackage to find compatible packages. So in a sense, MicroCabal is more like a MicroStackage.

@acidalia:matrix.orgHécateSomeone will reinvent it again by saying "MicroCabal is not a Haskell tool, it's a Haskell on linux tool"15:49:18
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécatewget and tar15:49:46
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécateWe are doing the mistakes of the past again15:50:07
13 Jul 2024
@ocharles:matrix.orgocharles set a profile picture.10:21:05
17 Jul 2024
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmgreat GHC/Cabal discussion on discourse16:25:39
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmI think every time someone says "nix-style builds" about Cabal, "stack-style builds" would be equivalent and clearer16:26:20
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * I think every time someone says "nix-style builds" about Cabal, "stack-style builds" would have been a little clearer16:27:48
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmOr maybe not. I'm just affirming to myself that efficient content-hashed builds is the thing being referred to.16:28:32
* @simonmic:matrix.orgsm . o O ( why drag nix into this, we have enough problems... :)16:29:17
In reply to * @simonmic:matrix.org
. o O ( why drag nix into this, we have enough problems... :)
@acidalia:matrix.orgHécateI need to purge the documentation and codebase from this18:24:49
18 Jul 2024
In reply to @simonmic:matrix.org
I think every time someone says "nix-style builds" about Cabal, "stack-style builds" would have been a little clearer
I have not been following the discussion closely, why would "stack-style builds" have been clearer?
In reply to @simonmic:matrix.org
I think every time someone says "nix-style builds" about Cabal, "stack-style builds" would have been a little clearer
* I have not been following the discussion closely, why would "stack-style builds" have been more clear?
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm fendor, I thought that because it was something already existing in the haskell ecosystem, familiar to many haskellers. While nix is (was) a foreign reference that sometimes brings a ton of interesting and confusing 15:18:36
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * fendor, I thought that because it was something already existing in the haskell ecosystem, familiar to many haskellers. While nix is (was) a foreign reference that sometimes brings a ton of interesting and confusing baggage 15:18:44
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmin fact it probably would have been no clearer to someone unfamiliar but at least a less foreign example. There's probably something generic like "content-hashed builds"15:19:56
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * in fact it probably would have been no clearer to someone unfamiliar but at least a less foreign example. There's probably a clearer generic term like "content-hashed builds"15:21:05
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * in fact it probably would have been no clearer to someone unfamiliar, but at least a less foreign example. There's probably a clearer generic term like "content-hashed builds"15:21:38
21 Jul 2024
@mangoiv.:matrix.org@mangoiv.:matrix.org left the room.08:26:30
24 Jul 2024
@artem.types:matrix.orgArtemhttps://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/1eaca5d/announcing_ghciwatch_10_a_ghcid_successor Haskell tooling written in Rust is something new!14:43:41

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