
General Mathematics Q&A

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10 Jul 2024
@real_me:matrix.orgreal_me \frac{1}{2} 19:33:53
@real_me:matrix.orgreal_meIs there some way to use latex here?19:34:00
@jjj333:pain.agencyjjj333_p (any pronouns)
In reply to @real_me:matrix.org
Is there some way to use latex here?
Yes there’s a bot, do it between $
@real_me:matrix.orgreal_me $\frac{1}{2}$ 20:13:36
@attachment_linker:envs.netLiLyTeX 2.0tmp699axgot.png
Download tmp699axgot.png
@thosgood:matrix.orgTimlatex is also natively supported in some matrix clients (such as element, in the "labs" settings)22:10:05
11 Jul 2024
@lfj:matrix.orgLFJI tried to turn it on.07:28:07
@lfj:matrix.orgLFJI turned it on and restarted my client, LaTeX code still didn't get shown as formula. I am on Android Element client.07:31:44
@lfj:matrix.orgLFJI even reboot my phone.07:38:10
@jjj333:pain.agencyjjj333_p (any pronouns)Ele Android is abandoned and was never very functional07:38:59
@jjj333:pain.agencyjjj333_p (any pronouns)Much better than ele iOS which barely e en supported rich text 07:39:18
@lfj:matrix.orgLFJSo this feature only works on desktop version of Element?07:56:45
In reply to @thosgood:matrix.org
latex is also natively supported in some matrix clients (such as element, in the "labs" settings)
12 Jul 2024
@cynicusrex:matrix.orgcrex changed their profile picture.07:56:20
13 Jul 2024
@lemonkee:matrix.orglemonkee joined the room.16:44:15
14 Jul 2024
@graythehue:matrix.orglet love win (they/she) joined the room.19:19:20
@graythehue:matrix.orglet love win (they/she) set a profile picture.19:19:49
15 Jul 2024
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix $\lambda\varepsilon\tau\sigma; \tau\rho\upsilon$ 08:23:40
@attachment_linker:envs.netLiLyTeX 2.0tmp3j5q1y46.png
Download tmp3j5q1y46.png
@atiha:matrix.orgAtiha joined the room.20:56:52
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihahello guys20:56:59
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihaI'm new to matrix20:57:09
@atiha:matrix.orgAtiha $\lambda\varepsilon\tau\sigma; \tau\rho\upsilon$ 20:57:43
@attachment_linker:envs.netLiLyTeX 2.0tmppog5kpf7.png
Download tmppog5kpf7.png
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihaWhere should I start to learn math from scratch?20:58:10
@atiha:matrix.orgAtiha changed their display name from atiha to Kamante.21:00:07
@atiha:matrix.orgAtiha changed their profile picture.21:00:17
@atiha:matrix.orgAtiha changed their display name from Kamante to Atiha.21:01:07

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