
General Mathematics Q&A

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15 Jul 2024
@atiha:matrix.orgAtiha changed their profile picture.21:01:14
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix Atiha it depends, for which reason 21:50:29
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihafor my life21:50:47
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihaand my love21:50:48
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihai love math21:50:50
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppixwhich is your mother language?21:51:20
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix * Atiha which is your mother language? 21:55:16
In reply to @knoppix:4d2.org
Atiha which is your mother language?
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix Atiha try this one then http://libgen.rs/search.php?req=perelman+mathematics&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def 21:58:46
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix and this http://libgen.rs/search.php?req=perelman+geometry&open=0&res=25&view=simple&phrase=1&column=def 21:59:19
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihacan be21:59:37
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihabecuase my english not werry well21:59:46
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihaanyway im gonna try to translate22:00:29
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppixthe other option is russian xD22:01:57
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix Atiha do you know german for if the case 22:19:35
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppix * Atiha do you know german for if the case? 22:19:37
In reply to @knoppix:4d2.org
Atiha do you know german for if the case?
@atiha:matrix.orgAtihajust a2 english22:19:52
@knoppix:4d2.orgknoppixthis should be sufficient22:20:07
16 Jul 2024
@quissberry:matrix.orgthairanaru changed their display name from quissberry to thairanaru.04:54:13
20 Jul 2024
@xuri-55ff92f50fc9f982beb14b02:gitter.imxuri joined the room.04:43:30
@quissberry:matrix.orgthairanaru changed their profile picture.21:09:26
23 Jul 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their display name from eden to confluentDemiurge.16:43:51
25 Jul 2024
@fayezmustafa:matrix.orgfayezmustafa joined the room.08:28:14
@chessbook:matrix.orgchessbook joined the room.09:11:09
@evagalois:matrix.org@evagalois:matrix.org joined the room.13:21:34
@evagalois:matrix.org@evagalois:matrix.org left the room.13:21:40

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