
Android Privacy & Security

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9 Apr 2023
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor* @Oneplusgod: Well, I'm merely asking the question. There's still no answer here . . . yet.03:45:13
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodI think it will be able to be looked up 03:45:58
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodWith enough effort03:46:04
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor I've searched for mine, but only found previous owners of the GVoice number. 03:46:08
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodLol I am currently using contract cellphone providers as burners03:46:35
Download IMG_20230408_211911.jpg
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodIf it is someone I need to get a hold of me they will call my Google voice 03:47:13
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodAll 3 lines are activr03:47:22
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodIt took 23 years for cellphones to get where I want them to possibly go03:48:15
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodIf they were there long ago , shit I would of been a criminal 03:48:59
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:49:21
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodBecause I can burn all 3 lines jump on to free wifi in few minutes make new one03:49:46
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodActive lines but only one can be active at a time03:49:58
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodThey all free lines03:50:09
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:50:13
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:50:23
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor* Ah03:50:30
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodFirst esim phone03:50:37
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodLooking for a new job and one company on list owes me money03:50:55
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:51:12
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodThey can provide free service for money they screwed me on03:51:20
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:51:34
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodBack In day probably before ur time , I got my internet at home terminated by company for cussing to much 03:51:53
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodSo I cracked their user accounts every day use 1 account a day and throw info away03:52:18
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:52:30
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodThey provided me 0 service 03:52:54
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodIt never activated right 03:53:05
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodAnd they wouldn't fix it due to it was security issue unless I come into store03:53:34
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodSo after end of first month of prepaid service I was setting up to be long term03:54:11
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodIt was almost like their contract service but u pay up front for phone 03:54:47

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