
Android Privacy & Security

263 Members
Space - #android-priv-sec:matrix.org | Posts, wiki & files - https://hub.libranet.de/channel/and-priv-sec post federate over activitypub & zot - see the channel for details18 Servers

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19 Nov 2023
@mrf71:matrix.org@mrf71:matrix.org joined the room.03:24:31
@mrf71:matrix.org@mrf71:matrix.org left the room.03:24:35
@nightw0lf:matrix.org@nightw0lf:matrix.org joined the room.05:20:18
21 Nov 2023
@nightw0lf:matrix.org@nightw0lf:matrix.org left the room.09:05:01
2 Dec 2023
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org changed their display name from Warrior Of Light ⚔️ to Anonim.00:09:18
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org removed their profile picture.00:10:05
3 Dec 2023
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor changed their profile picture.15:50:04
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org set a profile picture.23:08:55
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org changed their display name from Anonim to Serega.23:10:47
@warri0r0flight:matrix.org@warri0r0flight:matrix.org left the room.23:26:38
6 Dec 2023
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their display name from psydroid to Tyrannosaurus Rex.17:22:06
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their display name from Tyrannosaurus Rex to psydroid.17:42:48
7 Dec 2023
@hesitating_itsgone:matrix.orghesitating_itsgone joined the room.06:46:36
8 Dec 2023
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor changed their profile picture.06:57:50
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor changed their profile picture.07:22:24
11 Dec 2023
@ameenartc:matrix.orgameenartc joined the room.00:12:26
14 Dec 2023
@akc3n:grapheneos.orgakc3n set a profile picture.19:18:53
30 Dec 2023
@73ooo:matrix.org_RECYCLER changed their display name from 750K to _RECYCLER.00:43:49
13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.20:50:28
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:29:23
2 Apr 2024
@falk:falsei.deFalk joined the room.15:29:36
6 May 2024
@langovet:matrix.orgl changed their display name from langovet to l.07:07:24
8 May 2024
@madelyn88:matrix.orgScott changed their display name from Scott They/Them to Scott.11:50:12
12 May 2024
@winst0n84:matrix.orgWinston changed their display name from w1n570n to Winston.07:30:43
18 May 2024
@side-trips:matrix.org@side-trips:matrix.org left the room.03:35:37
21 May 2024
@mercvrivs:matrix.org@mercvrivs:matrix.org left the room.08:50:19
22 May 2024
@jotaxpe:matrix.org@jotaxpe:matrix.org left the room.03:45:50
27 Jun 2024
@hypokeimenon:envs.netpacienco 🏳️‍🌈 dazinism hope you've been keeping well! are there any clones of the wikis? 15:44:38
9 Jul 2024
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismRedacted or Malformed Event17:37:27
In reply to @hypokeimenon:envs.net
dazinism hope you've been keeping well! are there any clones of the wikis?

Hey there. Im good thankyou. Yes unfortunately the hoster appears to have closed their site.

Ive got local copies somewhere and will arrange for them to be online again. In the mean time the pages are archived over at https://web.archive.org/


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