
Android Privacy & Security

262 Members
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9 Apr 2023
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodAt end of month they would ask me 5 questions to verify who u was to port number out 03:55:26
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:55:37
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodBut wouldn't do same to help me fix to use service 03:55:42
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:56:22
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodI have addhd03:56:45
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:56:57
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodWell 03:57:04
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodSkinny is03:57:06
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodAll 3 lines 3 months is free 03:57:13
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:57:39
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodAt end of will renew provider who fuck me over03:57:42
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodNot offering u deals03:57:51
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndorRedacted or Malformed Event03:57:58
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodU ain't that lucky03:58:05
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodI don't like advertising 03:58:10
@oneplusgod:matrix.orgoneplusgodBut I read a lot and l learn 03:58:30
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor* Please respond in thread (tap right here 👇🏻)04:00:56
@cultparty:matrix.orgAndor* Please respond in thread (tap right here 👈🏻)04:01:34
11 Apr 2023
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
Announcing the deps.dev API: critical dependency data for secure supply chains
@bankerexorcist:matrix.org@bankerexorcist:matrix.org left the room.18:19:12
13 Apr 2023
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
Supply chain security for Go, Part 1: Vulnerability management
16 Apr 2023
@mpt9611:matrix.org@mpt9611 joined the room.10:30:51
17 Apr 2023
@egemenusinartix:matrix.org@egemenusinartix:matrix.org joined the room.06:06:45
18 Apr 2023
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
Securely Hosting User Data in Modern Web Applications
20 Apr 2023
@pnpdaddy187:anontier.nl@pnpdaddy187:anontier.nl left the room.11:57:47
24 Apr 2023
@shem89:matrix.orgshem89 joined the room.12:15:30
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
Google Authenticator now supports Google Account synchronization
26 Apr 2023
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
Celebrating SLSA v1.0: securing the software supply chain for everyone
27 Apr 2023
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
How we fought bad apps and bad actors in 2022
28 Apr 2023
@_neb_rssbot_=40_dzzzzzz_r=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DzzzzzzR:matrix.org] (deprecated) Google Online Security Blog:
Secure mobile payment transactions enabled by Android Protected Confirmation

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