
Android Privacy & Security

262 Members
Space - #android-priv-sec:matrix.org | Posts, wiki & files - https://hub.libranet.de/channel/and-priv-sec post federate over activitypub & zot - see the channel for details18 Servers

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4 Jun 2023
@gabehcuod:hackliberty.org@gabehcuod:hackliberty.org joined the room.14:19:15
7 Jun 2023
@no.i.d.whodini:matrix.orgV€N∆M-ZIG joined the room.02:21:42
In reply to @retronation702:matrix.org
@shem99 Have you looked at Termux from F-Droid?
I have
@no.i.d.whodini:matrix.orgV€N∆M-ZIG changed their profile picture.02:44:20
@mdr_v12:matrix.org@mdr_v12:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:11:39
@mdr_v12:matrix.org@mdr_v12:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:12:28
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinism mdr_v12: Android has tightened up access to files 16:30:56
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismThe media permissions were added to allow apps access only to media files. Also later to chose to only grant access to visual media files or audio16:34:43
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismThe targetSDK of the app also matters. Need recent targetSDK16:35:49
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismThe previous Storage permission has been replaced by Special App Access / All Files16:36:52
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismTheres more friction for users to grant special app access16:37:16
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismIIRC 'manage media' allows media files to be moved, deleted, altered16:38:45
8 Jun 2023
@mdr_v12:matrix.org@mdr_v12:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:04:44
@mdr_v12:matrix.org@mdr_v12:matrix.org left the room.03:05:41
9 Jun 2023
@nexbit:matrix.org@nexbit:matrix.org left the room.21:06:52
@enchantingly:matrix.org@enchantingly:matrix.org joined the room.21:23:08
11 Jun 2023
@gabehcuod:hackliberty.org@gabehcuod:hackliberty.org changed their display name from gabehcuod to 403Forbidden//_begin.dataleak.11:54:50
@irynfedy2017do:matrix.org@irynfedy2017do:matrix.org joined the room.20:19:43
@irynfedy2017do:matrix.org@irynfedy2017do:matrix.org left the room.20:19:59
15 Jun 2023
@xe1phix.portland:matrix.orgXe1phix.Portland joined the room.00:09:34
16 Jun 2023
@rakjkcrtn32002:matrix.orgrakjkcrtn32002 joined the room.03:41:48
17 Jun 2023
@no.i.d.whodini:matrix.orgV€N∆M-ZIGRedacted or Malformed Event17:14:31
19 Jun 2023
@frenezy:matrix.orgfrenezy joined the room.11:14:56
@enchantingly:matrix.org@enchantingly:matrix.org left the room.16:41:51
20 Jun 2023

Check out this video "Playing come join"

Video wouldn't play for me, but appeared off topic

21 Jun 2023
@rssk123:matrix.orgrssk123 joined the room.08:36:49
@retronation702:matrix.org@retronation702:matrix.org changed their display name from retronation702 to Just.That.Dude.707.19:46:13
23 Jun 2023
@tinfoil0498:matrix.orgAdvaxi joined the room.19:26:19
24 Jun 2023
@.=///=.:matrix.org@.=///=.:matrix.org left the room.16:10:01
25 Jun 2023
@the.udjat.team:matrix.org@the.udjat.team:matrix.org joined the room.10:38:23

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