
Monero Translations

68 Members
Matrix .org users can not receive PM's / see messages from several home servers (including Monero .social). Please consider using a non-Matrix .org account Coordination room of the Monero Localization Workgroup || https://translate.getmonero.org || https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-translations10 Servers

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20 Apr 2024
@velcro_gradient:monero.social@velcro_gradient:monero.social changed their profile picture.07:51:20
28 Apr 2024
@basses:matrix.orgrandomisinfo 😭12:37:54
@basses:matrix.orgrandocan't register on Weblate12:38:05
@basses:matrix.orgrandowhen is it fixed???????????12:38:19
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeons joined the room.18:32:18
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <p​igeons> basses: I'll look at its email setup right now. Can you see this message over there on matrix.org? 18:26:47
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeonsTo answer my question from irc. It looks like we cannot see irc/monero.social messages from matrix.org18:33:36
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeons rando: I'll look at the weblate server's email setup right now. 18:34:04
In reply to @pigeons1:matrix.org
rando: I'll look at the weblate server's email setup right now.
Gooood luck pls work
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeons rando: I'm still looking at this and a few unrelated things have come up. There seems to be something up with the weblate worker queue, will update you again when fixed. 19:52:27
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeons rando: queue is working now, will check email deliverability next. It just processed them all so may be in your spam now 23:14:54
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeonslol hold one, took it down for one more issue23:27:17
29 Apr 2024
@pigeons1:matrix.orgpigeons rando: I just registered a new account, got the email, confirmed it, etc. If you have any problems let me know. 03:20:49
@basses:matrix.orgrando Weblate is back, finally working again 🎉🎉🎉 17:51:10
In reply to @jorgesumle:matrix.org
Now Weblate works again 🤭 I'm translating at a very slow pace, so Weblate is better than pull requests for me
In reply to @m-relay:monero.social
<p​lowsof> Even native people can do things for the lols / write phrases in a funny dialect that people complain about
🤨 sounds familiar
7 May 2024
@jorgesumle:matrix.orgjorgesumle Bad gateway Error code 50207:54:26
4 May 2024
@xmrscott:monero.socialxmrscott changed the room topic to "Matrix .org users can not receive PM's / see messages from several home servers (including Monero .social). Please consider using a non-Matrix .org account Coordination room of the Monero Localization Workgroup || https://translate.getmonero.org || https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-translations" from "Coordination room of the Monero Localization Workgroup || https://translate.getmonero.org || https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-translations".17:53:16
7 May 2024
In reply to @jorgesumle:matrix.org
Bad gateway Error code 502
was working earlier, one dev is working on fixing it rn
@m-relay:monero.socialm-relay <p​lowsof> pigeons seems like there is an error again with https://translate.getmonero.org/ 07:21:28
@basses:matrix.orgrando Dan Miller 07:56:06
8 May 2024
@kali111:matrix.orghaibin joined the room.07:47:26
18 May 2024
@cocoa_beans:matrix.org@cocoa_beans:matrix.org joined the room.07:38:19
@iolix87:matrix.orgiolix87 joined the room.15:16:03
@iolix87:matrix.orgiolix87Download monero_it.ts15:18:52
@iolix87:matrix.orgiolix87Good evening, i added some new translations in the italian translation15:20:14
@whoami78:matrix.orgwhoami78 joined the room.20:25:16
24 May 2024
@sha96:matrix.orgsha96 joined the room.00:41:30
25 May 2024
@xlowt:matrix.orgkerlann joined the room.09:39:36
27 May 2024
@cocoa_beans:matrix.org@cocoa_beans:matrix.org left the room.15:54:47

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