

185 Members
no rules except for child porn please no childporn pleapselapselaspelalwpselpaweaweropawerh;ijopawerjiopwaergyhro;iujewo;arijhaweijo;hr;jio11 Servers

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27 Dec 2023
@bobgrills445:matrix.org@bobgrills445:matrix.org changed their display name from BlokkyPixel to Kitler.06:35:09
@bobgrills445:matrix.org@bobgrills445:matrix.org left the room.06:36:09
29 Dec 2023
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.19:46:32
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.19:49:17
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.19:50:30
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.19:51:07
31 Dec 2023
@gourg:matrix.org@gourg:matrix.org joined the room.16:06:28
1 Jan 2024
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.17:17:59
2 Jan 2024
@infikot:matrix.orgwth men changed their display name from infikot to wth men.17:08:41
3 Jan 2024
@yiffyhang:matrix.orgCubbytailhole changed their profile picture.18:29:55
@yiffyhang:matrix.orgCubbytailhole changed their profile picture.18:33:19
@yiffyhang:matrix.orgCubbytailhole changed their profile picture.21:01:05
7 Jan 2024
@vilis.:matrix.orgvilis. changed their display name from vilis. to vilis.17:43:20
@vilis.:matrix.orgvilis. changed their display name from vilis to vilis..17:44:16
@gourg:matrix.org@gourg:matrix.org left the room.20:18:35
22 Jan 2024
@coscash:matrix.orgcoscash changed their profile picture.00:51:50
@coscash:matrix.orgcoscash changed their profile picture.00:53:13
28 Jan 2024
@johnyvroy:matrix.org@johnyvroy:matrix.org joined the room.18:18:55
@johnyvroy:matrix.org@johnyvroy:matrix.org left the room.18:19:35
2 Feb 2024
@onkelender:matrix.org@onkelender:matrix.org left the room.00:42:52
29 Feb 2024
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.21:53:23
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org joined the room.21:55:11
@joeshiesty:matrix.org@joeshiesty:matrix.org left the room.21:55:43
31 Mar 2024
@rayningbl00d:matrix.orgr changed their display name from rayne to r.01:23:02
18 Apr 2024
@fvmogod:matrix.orgcirnofan76 changed their profile picture.02:31:35
24 May 2024
@dondasogga:matrix.org@dondasogga:matrix.org left the room.11:56:41
26 May 2024
@askeladen:matrix.orgamipsee removed their profile picture.18:58:10
@askeladen:matrix.orgamipsee changed their display name from Askel to amipsee.18:58:24
17 Jul 2024
@little_firechief:matrix.orgIwillsendnudes changed their display name from red life nigga to Iwillsendnudes.04:51:43
22 Jul 2024
@huskers_19:matrix.orgFibersplicer changed their display name from Beierle Productions to Fibersplicer.20:49:58

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