
Alpine linux english

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25 Jul 2024
@telegram_5138013793:t2bot.ioInterested Deving
In reply to Герхард Lenz McKAY
err that is a promotion of javaschit XD but yeah is a way to integrate things.. good example! 👍😂
Rpund 2

LoL . . .

26 Jul 2024
@telegram_5303571592:t2bot.ioAaron D'souzaSo alpine doesnt install sddm out the box with setup-desktop 😅00:06:21
@telegram_5138013793:t2bot.ioInterested Deving This . . . ?

@telegram_5303571592:t2bot.ioAaron D'souzaThey dont tell you dependancies online thats why theres a matrix for help00:05:01
@telegram_5303571592:t2bot.ioAaron D'souzaYep its a dependancy now remember i compile from source00:03:36
@telegram_5138013793:t2bot.ioInterested Deving
In reply to Aaron D'souza
Fair enough bro ill tinker
@telegram_5303571592:t2bot.ioAaron D'souzaPlasma 6.0.5 full of bugs still in repos of alpine i reported a bug on this version00:30:29
@telegram_5303571592:t2bot.ioAaron D'souzaOkay00:48:22
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY
In reply to Aaron D'souza
Plasma 6.0.5 full of bugs still in repos of alpine i reported a bug on this version
well ok i not like the way of packges alpine but well.. anything outside of main are not supporrted more than 3 or 5 months so maybe that is the reason..
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY
In reply to Aaron D'souza
focus of alpine is not desktop.. anything in "community" is only by collaborators.. only "main" is big focus and supported for long time and care with xtreme caution.. alpine works perfectly as desktop for my i9 9900K powered DELL optiplex 7071 .. but alpine focus is minimalist and containers..
In reply to Герхард Lenz McKAY
focus of alpine is not desktop.. anything in "community" is only by collaborators.. only "main" is big focus and supported for long time and care with xtreme caution.. alpine works perfectly as desktop for my i9 9900K powered DELL optiplex 7071 .. but alpine focus is minimalist and containers..
Hey what is the alpine equivalent of the debian package intel-media-va-driver-non-free? It is the only package that can make hardware acceleration work on my laptop
@telegram_608974943:t2bot.ioMari changed their display name from Sosillia to Mari.06:32:56
In reply to JuiceBox
Hey what is the alpine equivalent of the debian package intel-media-va-driver-non-free? It is the only package that can make hardware acceleration work on my laptop
@telegram_5138013793:t2bot.ioInterested Deving https://github.com/Friz-zy/awesome-linux-containers 10:25:47
@telegram_5138013793:t2bot.ioInterested Deving AlpineLinux is #1 on the list . . .

@telegram_608974943:t2bot.ioMariit should unless you have older than 8th gen graphics10:56:17
In reply to Mari
Doesn't seem to work for me
In reply to Mari
it should unless you have older than 8th gen graphics
Mine is a Geminilake cpu
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAY
In reply to JuiceBox
Mine is a Geminilake cpu
check this in hardware pages if is 8th gen!, otherwise use older alpine version, take a taste of depreciation of developers XD
@telegram_211888986:t2bot.ioDouglas Ribeiro joined the room.13:30:38
@telegram_745084766:t2bot.ioГерхард Lenz McKAYuse packages, use APK13:27:40
@telegram_456311800:t2bot.ioPatrycja you can just add pecl with apk add cmd:pecl 13:28:51
@telegram_211888986:t2bot.ioDouglas Ribeiro Can someone help me with this error?

/ # pecl install xdebug
sh: pecl: not found
@telegram_211888986:t2bot.ioDouglas Ribeiro
In reply to Patrycja
you can just add pecl with apk add cmd:pecl
apk add cmd:pecl
hey! worked thanks
@telegram_6319697921:t2bot.ioSantos Jaimes joined the room.21:12:56
@telegram_6319697921:t2bot.ioSantos JaimesRedacted or Malformed Event21:09:52
@telegram_6319697921:t2bot.ioSantos Jaimes Clаim Your Tаiko Аirdrop 2 Tokеn

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@telegram_6725778890:t2bot.ioDavid Tran joined the room.23:42:24
@telegram_6725778890:t2bot.ioDavid TranRedacted or Malformed Event23:41:37
@telegram_6725778890:t2bot.ioDavid Tran Farming Airdrоps from Intеrlock

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