

316 Members
Monero Mining Pool13 Servers

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2 Jun 2024
@rust3dchicken1372:matrix.orgπ‚πβ²Šπ¨ πŒ΄ΖŠΞΆπŒ·πŠΞΆπŒΊπŒ΄π€ left the room.13:31:33
6 Jun 2024
@atomium:matrix.orgATOMIUM 64 joined the room.12:27:43
7 Jun 2024
@privacyx:monero.socialprivacyx set a profile picture.02:25:30
@privacyx:monero.socialprivacyx changed their profile picture.02:29:44
9 Jun 2024
@edge7:matrix.orgedge7 joined the room.06:38:47
@hoching:dendrite.qwq.todayHo Ching joined the room.12:18:13
@emberpunk:matrix.orgemberpunk joined the room.18:09:33
13 Jun 2024
@robot.account:matrix.orgrobot.account joined the room.05:47:04
@robot.account:matrix.orgrobot.account set a profile picture.05:50:38
18 Jun 2024
@mx_mandelbrot42:matrix.orgmandelbrot42 changed their profile picture.13:46:26
15 Jun 2024
@0x1zxq7896lp2zero:monero.social0x1zxq7896lp2zero joined the room.23:09:57
21 Jun 2024
@sstack:matrix.orgsstack joined the room.19:09:47
18 Jun 2024
@hapna:monero.socialhapna joined the room.06:38:38
24 Jun 2024
@herotwin:matrix.orgherotwin joined the room.18:07:39
@kjekks:monero.socialkjekks joined the room.06:37:47
30 Jun 2024
@cluster:matrix.lrn.fmcluster joined the room.17:19:46
@plaatina123:matrix.orgplaatina123 joined the room.23:05:24
1 Jul 2024
@elciano:matrix.orgElciano Junior joined the room.14:42:17
2 Jul 2024
@possum-opossum:matrix.orgpossum-opossum joined the room.13:14:00
4 Jul 2024
@drunk-clicking:matrix.orgforkedtruck joined the room.22:29:41
16 Jul 2024
@hassan0ayman:matrix.orghassan0ayman joined the room.08:32:59
17 Jul 2024
@houb1cka:matrix.orghoub1cka joined the room.07:30:26
@murdock32:matrix.orgChris Murdock joined the room.18:45:33
19 Jul 2024
@scottf:matrix.orgscottf joined the room.16:01:56
20 Jul 2024
@nightkurz:matrix.orgnightkurz joined the room.02:55:48
21 Jul 2024
@jahiem.01:matrix.orgmrRee joined the room.11:37:59
@ksrinithin:matrix.orgSriNithin Kollipara joined the room.13:14:56
@jahiem.01:matrix.orgmrRee left the room.14:33:30
24 Jul 2024
@ofrnxmr:monero.socialofrnxmr changed their display name from ofrnxmr (matrix.org users must contact via @ofrnxmr:xmr.mx) to ofrnxmr.22:29:07

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