

187 Members
Please try https://dataverse.zulipchat.com instead of Matrix/Element. Dataverse is open source research data repository software: http://dataverse.org Public logs at https://archive.matrix.org/r/dataverse:matrix.org9 Servers

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11 Dec 2023
@krvipin15:matrix.orgkrvipin15 joined the room.21:44:45
13 Dec 2023
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite to Laura Waite (sick).18:53:34
19 Dec 2023
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite (sick) to Laura Waite.10:06:14
31 Dec 2023
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite to Laura Waite ❄️☕️🎇 -> 14.01.11:54:10
2 Jan 2024
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite ❄️☕️🎇 -> 14.01 to Laura Waite (sick).10:26:08
9 Jan 2024
@zxchen:matrix.org@zxchen:matrix.org left the room.15:13:34
11 Jan 2024
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite (sick) to Laura Waite ❄️💤 -> 14.01.08:59:49
14 Jan 2024
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite ❄️💤 -> 14.01 to Laura Waite.21:06:16
7 Feb 2024
@pkiraly:matrix.orgKirály Péter

dszabo: Hi, I try to upgrade Dataverse in a test machine from 5.13 to 5.14 under Ubuntu 20.04 and Java 17 OpenJDK. I run into an issue:

$ sudo -u glassfish /usr/local/payara5/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-5.14.war
remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Exception while preparing the app : class com.sun.enterprise.security.provider.PolicyConfigurationImpl (in unnamed module @0x4317d116) cannot access class sun.net.www.ParseUtil (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.net.www to unnamed module @0x4317d116. Please see server.log for more details.
Command deploy failed.

Have you seen similar message, and do you probably have any suggestion how to solve it?

@pkiraly:matrix.orgKirály Péter *

dszabo: Hi, I try to upgrade Dataverse in a test machine from 5.13 to 5.14 under Ubuntu 20.04 and Java 17 OpenJDK. I run into an issue:

$ sudo -u glassfish /usr/local/payara5/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-5.14.war

remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Exception while preparing the app : class com.sun.enterprise.security.provider.PolicyConfigurationImpl (in unnamed module @0x4317d116) cannot access class sun.net.www.ParseUtil (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.net.www to unnamed module @0x4317d116. Please see server.log for more details.
Command deploy failed.
Have you seen similar message, and do you probably have any suggestion how to solve it?

@pkiraly:matrix.orgKirály PéterAn update: the solution was to use Java 11 instead of Java 17.09:46:19
19 Feb 2024
@jsheunis:inm7.deStephan Heunis changed their display name from Stephan Heunis to Stephan Heunis (NSFW).09:07:22
@jsheunis:inm7.deStephan Heunis changed their display name from Stephan Heunis (NSFW) to Stephan Heunis.19:10:00
4 Mar 2024
@adina_w:matrix.orgAdina Wagner changed their display name from Adina Wagner to Adina Wagner (sick).10:56:33
7 Mar 2024
@oliver:bertuch.namepoikilotherm changed their display name from poikilotherm (CEST,UTC+2) to Oliver Bertuch.11:21:21
11 Mar 2024
@oliver:bertuch.namepoikilotherm changed their display name from Oliver Bertuch to poikilotherm.07:00:38
18 Mar 2024
@adina_w:matrix.orgAdina Wagner changed their display name from Adina Wagner (sick) to Adina Wagner (on leave).05:40:15
@pdurbin:matrix.orgpdurbin Király Péter (and everyone): we've moved to Zulip: https://chat.dataverse.org 12:17:42
19 Apr 2024
@tosigus:matrix.orgTorsten Osigus changed their display name from tosigus to Torsten Osigus.09:08:32
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.22:42:06
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.23:22:53
5 May 2024
@fotis_:matrix.orgfotis_ set a profile picture.17:12:45
9 May 2024
@bluss:matrix.org@bluss:matrix.org left the room.12:26:29
28 May 2024
@adina_w:matrix.orgAdina Wagner changed their display name from Adina Wagner (on leave) to Adina Wagner (🤱->01.07.).05:10:23
4 Jun 2024
@charmonium:matrix.org@charmonium:matrix.org left the room.13:59:05
30 Jun 2024
@adina_w:matrix.orgAdina Wagner changed their display name from Adina Wagner (🤱->01.07.) to Adina Wagner (sick).19:13:14
7 Jul 2024
@adina_w:matrix.orgAdina Wagner changed their display name from Adina Wagner (sick) to Adina Wagner.07:25:31
11 Jul 2024
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite to Laura Waite 🏕️ -> 15.07.22:13:35
12 Jul 2024
@bricas:matrix.org@bricas:matrix.org left the room.13:12:45
16 Jul 2024
@loj:matrix.waite.euLaura Waite changed their display name from Laura Waite 🏕️ -> 15.07 to Laura Waite.06:55:41

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