
Riot Android

12167 Members
Riot and matrix-android-sdk discussion | dev build: https://buildkite.com/matrix-dot-org/riot-android/builds/latest?branch=develop&state=passed - click on *Assemble Debug version* then on *Artifacts* | become a beta tester: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/im.vector.app1269 Servers

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18 Jan 2020
@ggb_c_:matrix.orgChristophe changed their profile picture.15:27:27
@martin:welk.cloudMartin Welk joined the room.17:53:09
@martin:welk.cloudMartin Welk left the room.18:20:52
@michaelsmoody:matrix.orgMichael S. MoodyGood afternoon. I was wondering if there is a maintained list (delta) of feature comparison between Riot and RiotX (which might help others such as myself be able to contribute effectively)?19:47:56
@tulir:maunium.nettulirhttps://github.com/vector-im/riotX-android/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Alegacy-feature ?19:52:42
@tulir:maunium.nettulirdepends on what kind of contributing19:52:59
@gorsavi:matrix.orggorsavi joined the room.22:32:00
@ymxina77:matrix.orgymxina77 changed their display name from valdy07 to ymxina77.22:51:19
@jossdu69:matrix.orgJosselin joined the room.22:51:55
19 Jan 2020
@1337megah4x0rbyx0r:matrix.orgcary-elvis left the room.06:59:10
@arne:matrix.localtoast.deArne invited @arne:dramaticexit.deArne.18:30:47
@arne:dramaticexit.deArne joined the room.18:30:54
@arne:matrix.localtoast.deArne left the room.18:31:01
@barsoom:matrix.orgRumo left the room.19:30:56
@joel:thebeckmeyers.xyzJoel BRedacted or Malformed Event22:27:55
@adminda_i:matrix.orgadminda_i left the room.23:30:14
@nemesio65:matrix.orgnemesio65 joined the room.23:58:20
20 Jan 2020
@araly:matrix.orgaraly joined the room.03:21:26
@antikeks:matrix.orgAntikeks joined the room.12:24:53
@robin:matrix.wina.berobin joined the room.18:57:53
@fuschnick:matrix.orgfUsChNiCk changed their display name from fUsChNiCk to fUsChNiCk-afk.20:32:08
@sbindogtor:matrix.orggts8675301hey lads i have a fren on riot for android all our devices are verified and I'M sending encrypted chats to our group however even though we confirmed our emoji/security he's telling me his device is NOT sending encrypted messages to the group and his name is red in the chat implying thus21:32:30
@sbindogtor:matrix.orggts8675301how fix frens21:32:35
21 Jan 2020
@juanmac:matrix.orgJuanmaC left the room.00:08:44
@meat258:matrix.orgmeat258 joined the room.15:43:16
Download IMG_20200121_212438.jpg
@meat258:matrix.orgmeat258Hey guys, can anyone tell me what that error message is? It keeps popping up when I try to send video(about 11MB) or try to load some rooms full of picture?15:44:54
@meat258:matrix.orgmeat258Its on Riot.im android app Version 0.9.9 (G-5da259a74)15:48:41
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsit's a time out, which server are you on?15:48:53
@meat258:matrix.orgmeat258I believe on matrix.org or whatever was chosen by default15:49:59

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